

..., to submerge oneself; to dive...   , to submerge oneself;  to diveの読み方
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」

...The native made a dive at his bosom for the knife, but he frustrated that...   The native made a dive at his bosom      for the knife, but he frustrated thatの読み方
Talbot Mundy 「King--of the Khyber Rifles」

...Their food consistsexclusively of such fishes as are found near the surface; a factwhich affords ample proof that they do not descend to great depths,although they can dive as well as swim...   Their food consistsexclusively of such fishes as are found near the surface; a factwhich affords ample proof that they do not descend to great depths,although  they can dive as well as swimの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

...The Adélies dive very beautifully...   The Adélies dive very beautifullyの読み方
George Murray Levick 「Antarctic Penguins」

...Then it would dive into the depths, and naughtwould be visible but the foam caused by the disappearingmass of life...   Then it would dive into the depths, and naughtwould be visible but the foam caused by the disappearingmass of lifeの読み方
W. E. Webb 「Buffalo Land」

...The surf scoters, or black coots, so abundant off theAtlantic coast in winter, dive constantly to feed on mussels, clams orscallops...   The surf scoters, or black coots, so abundant off theAtlantic coast in winter, dive constantly to feed on mussels, clams orscallopsの読み方
Neltje Blanchan 「Birds Every Child Should Know」

...Most species, unlikethe Grebes, take wing rather than dive when pursued...   Most species, unlikethe Grebes, take wing rather than dive when pursuedの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...“Bien, them’s have dive into de bo’-els of de eart’,” said Henri with a broad grin...   “Bien, them’s have dive into de bo’-els of de eart’,” said Henri with a broad grinの読み方
R.M. Ballantyne 「The Dog Crusoe and his Master」

...I have, myself, watched a cat by the banks of a stream, until I have seen him dive into the water, and emerge almost immediately with a large trout in his mouth...   I have, myself, watched a cat by the banks of a stream, until I have seen him dive into the water, and emerge almost immediately with a large trout in his mouthの読み方
Gordon Stables 「The Domestic Cat」

...Selby states that if discovered and pursued beforethey have acquired the use of their wings, they boldly take to thewater and dive...   Selby states that if discovered and pursued beforethey have acquired the use of their wings, they boldly take to thewater and diveの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...They swim low in the water;and when disturbed do not invariably dive like the Grebes and Divers,but readily take wing...   They swim low in the water;and when disturbed do not invariably dive like the Grebes and Divers,but readily take wingの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...The young are ableto swim and dive very soon after they are hatched, and are fedfor about a fortnight by their parents, at the expiration of whichtime they have to hunt for themselves...   The young are ableto swim and dive very soon after they are hatched, and are fedfor about a fortnight by their parents, at the expiration of whichtime they have to hunt for themselvesの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...The young can dive and swim immediately that they are hatched;but if the mother be suddenly alarmed while they are with her,she takes them under her wing and dives with them...   The young can dive and swim immediately that they are hatched;but if the mother be suddenly alarmed while they are with her,she takes them under her wing and dives with themの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...Some gulls, however, are ableto plunge farther below the surface thanothers, and the little kittiwake is perhaps themost expert diver of them all, though in nosense at home under water like the shag...   Some gulls, however, are ableto plunge farther below the surface thanothers, and the little kittiwake is perhaps themost expert diver of them all, though in nosense at home under water like the shagの読み方
Frederick G. Aflalo 「Birds in the Calendar」



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