

... The patrol had seen the sudden dispersal of the group, and, struck with natural suspicion, quickened pace...         The patrol had seen the sudden dispersal of the group, and, struck with      natural suspicion, quickened paceの読み方
Anthony Hope 「Rupert of Hentzau」

...Our vision becomes a vision of dispersal...   Our vision becomes a vision of dispersalの読み方
Various 「Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 2, April 1906」

...Presumably this would have been an area suitable forgophers and for southward dispersal of individuals from Texas...   Presumably this would have been an area suitable forgophers and for southward dispersal of individuals from Texasの読み方
Robert K Selander 「Vertebrates from the Barrier Island of Tamaulipas, México」

...Washes are evidentlyeffective agents in facilitating the dispersal of certain speciesof mammals...   Washes are evidentlyeffective agents in facilitating the dispersal of certain speciesof mammalsの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

... Before dispersal...    Before dispersalの読み方
L. David Mech 「Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota」

...After that the animaltraveled a series of northwest-southwest alternationsthat on April 3 took him east of Big SandyLake to a point 129 miles southwest of wherehe had begun the dispersal...   After that the animaltraveled a series of northwest-southwest alternationsthat on April 3 took him east of Big SandyLake to a point 129 miles southwest of wherehe had begun the dispersalの読み方
L. David Mech 「Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota」

...The total of straight line distancesbetween 16 consecutive pairs of locations takenat intervals of from 1 to 8 days was 226 miles,which is the minimum distance the wolf traveledduring his dispersal...   The total of straight line distancesbetween 16 consecutive pairs of locations takenat intervals of from 1 to 8 days was 226 miles,which is the minimum distance the wolf traveledduring his dispersalの読み方
L. David Mech 「Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota」

...One animal in anapparent dispersal was tracked a straight linedistance of 129 miles between extreme points...   One animal in anapparent dispersal was tracked a straight linedistance of 129 miles between extreme pointsの読み方
L. David Mech 「Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota」

...Some of the opossums that were marked while in themother's pouch were subsequently recaptured when they were well-grown,independent young, or adults, affording information ongrowth and dispersal...   Some of the opossums that were marked while in themothers pouch were subsequently recaptured when they were well-grown,independent young, or adults, affording information ongrowth and dispersalの読み方
Henry S. Fitch 「Ecology of the Opossum on a Natural Area in Northeastern Kansas」

...Although knowledge of the amount of water consumed, ad libitum, byadult mice is valuable information, maintenance of the population dependsupon reproduction and dispersal of young individuals...   Although knowledge of the amount of water consumed, ad libitum, byadult mice is valuable information, maintenance of the population dependsupon reproduction and dispersal of young individualsの読み方
Charles L. Douglas 「Comparative Ecology of Pinyon Mice and Deer Mice in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...Thus, it is evident that the Isthmus ofTehuantepec presents a great barrier to dispersal of these groups ofamphibians...   Thus, it is evident that the Isthmus ofTehuantepec presents a great barrier to dispersal of these groups ofamphibiansの読み方
William E. Duellman 「A Distributional Study of the Amphibians of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico」

...The tropical evergreen forests on the Caribbean side of lower Central America and the uplift of the Talamanca range in the Pliocene were barriers to the dispersal ofstaufferi...   The tropical evergreen forests on the Caribbean side of lower Central America and the uplift of the Talamanca range in the Pliocene were barriers to the dispersal ofstaufferiの読み方
Juan R. León 「The Systematics of the Frogs of the Hyla Rubra Group in Middle America」

...Our study indicates a much slower rate of dispersal by many of the same species...   Our study indicates a much slower rate of dispersal by many of the same speciesの読み方
James E. Deacon 「Fishes of the Wakarusa River in Kansas」

...The Motu stock of the Western Papuo-Melanesians have extended their dispersal as far as the Mekeo district, where they cameinto contact with other peoples...   The Motu stock of the Western Papuo-Melanesians have extended their dispersal as far as the Mekeo district, where they cameinto contact with other peoplesの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

...All that precedesthis—the deluge, the dispersal of mankind, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, thecaptivity in Egypt, Moses, Joshua, and the conquest of Canaan, is moreor less mythical...   All that precedesthis—the deluge, the dispersal of mankind, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, thecaptivity in Egypt, Moses, Joshua, and the conquest of Canaan, is moreor less mythicalの読み方
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」



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