... “But there exists that Kultur, diametrically opposed to civilization, which the Germans wish to palm off upon us...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
... and as attributing to it opinions diametrically opposed to the principles of each of its members; ...
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」
...On reference to theinstructions given previously, and those last quoted, it will beseen that the two systems are diametrically opposed to eachother...
Montagu Browne 「Practical Taxidermy」
...The figure of a circle,with lines crossing one another diametrically and continued as raysbeyond the periphery, possibly represent the sun...
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」
...The reduction of the triangular wings of the last figure to a simpleband drawn diametrically across the inner surface of the bowl is accomplishedin the design shown in , b...
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」
...This measure gives the width of an angle formed by twolines, which starting from two diametrically opposite points of theEarth, cross upon Venus, and form an identical angle upon the Sun...
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」
...The distance of any point of the terrestrial orbit fromthe diametrically opposite point which it passes six months later is298,000,000 kilometers (184,760,000 miles), i...
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」
...Flinders supposed was to be placed diametrically across the semicircle at high water, and thus secure all the fish that might get within the inclosure, until the falling tide should leave them dry...
David Collins 「An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 2」
Risingsun circulating momentary