

...One of hisfriends, wishing to desiccate a Frog, placed it on the top of a stickthrust into the ground, in order to make sure that the Necrophorishould not come and carry it off...   One of hisfriends, wishing to desiccate a Frog, placed it on the top of a stickthrust into the ground, in order to make sure that the Necrophorishould not come and carry it offの読み方
Jean Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles」

...One of his friends,wishing to desiccate a Frog, placed it on the top of a stick thrustinto the ground, in order to make sure that the Necrophori should notcome and carry it off...   One of his friends,wishing to desiccate a Frog, placed it on the top of a stick thrustinto the ground, in order to make sure that the Necrophori should notcome and carry it offの読み方
J. H. Fabre 「The Wonders of Instinct」



powerfully   languor   california  



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有志連合   核融合   国対政治  

