

...The spirit definable as the immediateapprehension of the mind withoutreasoning—the spirit of intuition—aidsus on either hand...   The spirit definable as the immediateapprehension of the mind withoutreasoning—the spirit of intuition—aidsus on either handの読み方
Major Gambier-Parry 「'Murphy'」

...Merriam (1898) noted that definable portions of the Lower Sonoran Life-zone, the Upper Sonoran Life-zone, the Transition Life-zone, and the Canadian Life-zone can be distinguished in Coahuila...   Merriam (1898) noted that definable portions of the Lower Sonoran Life-zone, the Upper Sonoran Life-zone, the Transition Life-zone, and the Canadian Life-zone can be distinguished in Coahuilaの読み方
Emil K. Urban 「Birds from Coahuila, Mexico」

...Process: a prolongation of thesurface, margin, or an appendage: any prominent portion of thebody not otherwise definable...   Process: a prolongation of thesurface, margin, or an appendage: any prominent portion of thebody not otherwise definableの読み方
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」

...The epigrammaticquality, the power of rapid analysis and brilliant presentationare there, and added to these a less definable quality, only to bedescribed as charm...   The epigrammaticquality, the power of rapid analysis and brilliant presentationare there, and added to these a less definable quality, only to bedescribed as charmの読み方
Elizabeth Brightwen 「Wild Nature Won By Kindness」

...In less than thirty years it was divided into five dioceses,amongst which the place of the Fen country is more clearly definable...   In less than thirty years it was divided into five dioceses,amongst which the place of the Fen country is more clearly definableの読み方
W.D. Sweeting 「The Cathedral Church of Peterborough」



delimiting   frontier   boodle  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
全固体電池   分離案   合法化  

