

...Inflammation of the membrane takesplace, and decomposition of the food soon follows...   Inflammation of the membrane takesplace, and decomposition of the food soon followsの読み方
Richard L. Allen 「Domestic Animals」

...Hydrolysis: the chemical decomposition of a compound bywater, causing formation of a new compound...   Hydrolysis: the chemical decomposition of a compound bywater, causing formation of a new compoundの読み方
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」

...Leucine: a white crystalline compound, the product ofanimal decomposition, found in the malpighian tubes: as a color,cheesy white...   Leucine: a white crystalline compound, the product ofanimal decomposition, found in the malpighian tubes: as a color,cheesy whiteの読み方
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」

...When decomposition is complete no account is takenof the bones, excepting the skull, which is taken andpreserved in the house...   When decomposition is complete no account is takenof the bones, excepting the skull, which is taken andpreserved in the houseの読み方
A. F. R. Wollaston 「Pygmies and Papuans」

... Onthe other hand, if colorless nitric acid be exposed to the sun, itbecomes yellow, then changes to red, and oxygen is liberated by thepartial decomposition effected by the solar rays...    Onthe other hand, if colorless nitric acid be exposed to the sun, itbecomes yellow, then changes to red, and oxygen is liberated by thepartial decomposition effected by the solar raysの読み方
Henry H. Snelling 「The History and Practice of the Art of Photography」

... That used for the gallo-nitrate issoon destroyed, owing to the rapid decomposition of that preparation...    That used for the gallo-nitrate issoon destroyed, owing to the rapid decomposition of that preparationの読み方
Henry H. Snelling 「The History and Practice of the Art of Photography」

...At a highertemperature, charring and decomposition take place...   At a highertemperature, charring and decomposition take placeの読み方
George Field 「Field's Chromatography」

..." theory is this: the hydrogenatom has been split, resolvedinto components, not of electrons andthe proton centers, but held at somehalfway point of decomposition...    theory is this: the hydrogenatom has been split, resolvedinto components, not of electrons andthe proton centers, but held at somehalfway point of decompositionの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930」

... The same elements, the same principles, are found in the formation of minerals, as well as in their decomposition, whether natural or artificial...         The same elements, the same principles, are found in the formation of      minerals, as well as in their decomposition, whether natural or      artificialの読み方
Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach) 「The System of Nature, Volume 1」



duodenum   rhetorical   donkeys  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
秘密基地   豊昇龍   計算機  

