...He invented the sciences of plane and spherical trigonometry, and wasthe first to use right ascensions and declinations...
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」
...The declinations alsochange slightly, but as they are only intended to help infinding the star on the star maps, their change may beignored...
George C. Comstock 「A Text-Book of Astronomy」
...The motion of the pole of course carries the equatorand the equinoxes with it, and thus slowly changes theright ascensions and declinations of all the stars...
George C. Comstock 「A Text-Book of Astronomy」
...Will the precession ever bring back the right ascensionsand declinations to be again what they now are?...
George C. Comstock 「A Text-Book of Astronomy」
...As the book was not written for those whopossess the equipment of an observatory, with telescopesdriven by clockwork and provided with graduated circles,right ascensions and declinations are not given...
Garrett Serviss 「Pleasures of the telescope」
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