

...The party solemnly paraded the streets for fully half an hour, in no wise disconcerted by a pretty lively shelling and the ring of the Mausers on the corrugated iron roofs...   The party  solemnly paraded the streets for fully half an hour, in no wise  disconcerted by a pretty lively shelling and the ring of the  Mausers on the corrugated iron roofsの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...The more prominent the knob and the morewrinkled or corrugated the face the better is thespecimen in this respect...   The more prominent the knob and the morewrinkled or corrugated the face the better is thespecimen in this respectの読み方
Harry M. Lamon 「Ducks and Geese」

...As a result of this scraping, however, the corrugated surfacewas destroyed, nor could it easily be restored...   As a result of this scraping, however, the corrugated surfacewas destroyed, nor could it easily be restoredの読み方
Frank Hamilton Cushing 「A Study of Pueblo Pottery as Illustrative of Zuñi Culture Growth.」

...Small ancient eating-bowl of corrugated ware, decoratedinside...   Small ancient eating-bowl of corrugated ware, decoratedinsideの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small bowl for heating water, with corrugated ears...   Small bowl for heating water, with corrugated earsの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small obliquely corrugated bowl...   Small obliquely corrugated bowlの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Modern imitation of ancient corrugated ware cooking vessel...   Modern imitation of ancient corrugated ware cooking vesselの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small cooking pot, ancient form of corrugated ware...   Small cooking pot, ancient form of corrugated wareの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small corrugated paint jar...   Small corrugated paint jarの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Small corrugated paint bottle...   Small corrugated paint bottleの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...The doctor sat for a few minutes with corrugated brows...   The doctor sat for a few minutes with corrugated browsの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, May, 1931」

...Their sides are furrowed and corrugated, and their upper portions almostbare rock...   Their sides are furrowed and corrugated, and their upper portions almostbare rockの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」

...They are mostly flat-topped, and at variouspoints present straight, rounded, precipitous, and corrugated fronts, tothe astonished eyes that first behold them...   They are mostly flat-topped, and at variouspoints present straight, rounded, precipitous, and corrugated fronts, tothe astonished eyes that first behold themの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」

...Down its furrowed and corrugated sides the trickling of water for untoldages has descended in times of rain, and for long periods after, untilthe drainage ceased, into sandy basins at its feet...   Down its furrowed and corrugated sides the trickling of water for untoldages has descended in times of rain, and for long periods after, untilthe drainage ceased, into sandy basins at its feetの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」



hypocrite   collet   spirited  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
完全自動運転   大迷惑   八海山  

