

...I took the trouble of counting the corns contained in an average-sized head, the result being 4,848...   I      took the trouble of counting the corns contained in an average-sized head,      the result being 4,848の読み方
Samuel White Baker 「In the Heart of Africa」

...It is pleasant toobserve the beauty of their fine-formed feet, uninjuredby tight shoes, and free from corns andall excrescences...   It is pleasant toobserve the beauty of their fine-formed feet, uninjuredby tight shoes, and free from corns andall excrescencesの読み方
Abd Salam Shabeeny 「An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa」

...Ahorse that has once had corns to any considerable extentshould, at every shoeing, have the seat of corn well pared out,and the butyr of antimony applied...   Ahorse that has once had corns to any considerable extentshould, at every shoeing, have the seat of corn well pared out,and the butyr of antimony appliedの読み方
Richard L. Allen 「Domestic Animals」

...I have seldom seen a horsepricked in shoeing by a native, but if left to themselves they never getthe bearing true, and as a result corns are of common occurrence...   I have seldom seen a horsepricked in shoeing by a native, but if left to themselves they never getthe bearing true, and as a result corns are of common occurrenceの読み方
Joshua A. Nunn 「Notes on Stable Management in India and the Colonies」

...Ditto, red ware, with sacred corns represented...   Ditto, red ware, with sacred corns representedの読み方
James Stevenson 「Illustrated Catalogue of the Collections Obtained」

...Now this old Witch had great power, and at once afflicted the Giantwith corns and tender feet...   Now this old Witch had great power, and at once afflicted the Giantwith corns and tender feetの読み方
Joseph Martin Kronheim 「My First Picture Book」

...The children, in great alarm, rushed about inside the shoe, andfrightened and trembling, scrambled through the door and the slitswhich the Giant had formerly made for his corns...   The children, in great alarm, rushed about inside the shoe, andfrightened and trembling, scrambled through the door and the slitswhich the Giant had formerly made for his cornsの読み方
Joseph Martin Kronheim 「My First Picture Book」

...He now seems to have finally thrown off his aristocratic prejudices, andto have indulged himself in treading on the corns of nearly all the highand mighty people he came into contact with...   He now seems to have finally thrown off his aristocratic prejudices, andto have indulged himself in treading on the corns of nearly all the highand mighty people he came into contact withの読み方
Oliver Lodge 「Pioneers of Science」

...Thesaid bag was then pulled over their heads, compelling the Puddin'-ownersaforesaid to endure agonies of partial suffocation, let alone walkin' oneach other's corns for several hours...   Thesaid bag was then pulled over their heads, compelling the Puddin-ownersaforesaid to endure agonies of partial suffocation, let alone walkin oneach others corns for several hoursの読み方
Norman Lindsay 「The Magic Pudding」

...Every Chinaman knows that the corns are adventitious eyes which give themule this remarkable power...   Every Chinaman knows that the corns are adventitious eyes which give themule this remarkable powerの読み方
George Ernest Morrison 「An Australian in China」

...And without caring twopence whose corns 'e treads on...   And without caring twopence whose corns e treads onの読み方
Henry Handel Richardson 「Australia Felix」



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