

...All the roads which converge to this place have beenpatrolled night and day ever since: and the beach and cliffs have been mostrigorously searched and guarded...   All the roads which converge to this place have beenpatrolled night and day ever since: and the beach and cliffs have been mostrigorously searched and guardedの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「The Scarlet Pimpernel」

...She had veered a point away from the wind, and was running now on a line that must in the end converge with that of the Cinco Llagas...   She had veered a point away      from the wind, and was running now on a line that must in the end converge      with that of the Cinco Llagasの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Captain Blood」

...Thence they converge to the mouth, over which they meet, and beyond arefree, being hollow, thin bands of chitine, meeting like the maxillæ, ortongue, of butterflies to form a hollow tube for suction...   Thence they converge to the mouth, over which they meet, and beyond arefree, being hollow, thin bands of chitine, meeting like the maxillæ, ortongue, of butterflies to form a hollow tube for suctionの読み方
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」

...In two others the lines converge and fuse in thescapular region, and in four specimens auxiliary, fragmented lines arepresent dorsolaterally...   In two others the lines converge and fuse in thescapular region, and in four specimens auxiliary, fragmented lines arepresent dorsolaterallyの読み方
William E. Duellman 「Middle American Frogs of the Hyla microcephala Group」

...Their paths soon converge,for the night is torn by a piteous cry;the road is enveloped in a cloud of dust; andin the midst of the confusion the dogs dashover the fence...   Their paths soon converge,for the night is torn by a piteous cry;the road is enveloped in a cloud of dust; andin the midst of the confusion the dogs dashover the fenceの読み方
Anonymous 「The Confessions of a Poacher」

...Isolated scales are of two types: those onwhich the posterior ridges converge sharply and form the gothic archconfiguration mentioned by Hibbard (1933:282), and those which do not...   Isolated scales are of two types: those onwhich the posterior ridges converge sharply and form the gothic archconfiguration mentioned by Hibbard (1933:282), and those which do notの読み方
Joan Echols 「A New Genus of Pennsylvania Fish (Crossoperygii, Coelacanthiformes) from Kansas」

...They all converge towards that semblance of a door which was supposed tocommunicate with the interior of the tomb...   They all converge towards that semblance of a door which was supposed tocommunicate with the interior of the tombの読み方
Gaston Camille Charles Maspero 「Manual Of Egyptian Archaeology And Guide To The Study Of Antiquities In Egypt」

...At this point they converge tothe boss in the middle of the central octagon...   At this point they converge tothe boss in the middle of the central octagonの読み方
A. Clutton-Brock 「The Cathedral Church of York」

...When incident rays are parallel, the reflected rays converge to afocus, but when the incident rays proceed from a focus, or aredivergent, they are reflected parallel...   When incident rays are parallel, the reflected rays converge to afocus, but when the incident rays proceed from a focus, or aredivergent, they are reflected parallelの読み方
Henry H. Snelling 「The History and Practice of the Art of Photography」

...The beam of rays from a star falls on the object-glass of a telescope;those rays are parallel, and after they pass through the object-glassthey converge to a focus near the eye end of the instrument...   The beam of rays from a star falls on the object-glass of a telescope;those rays are parallel, and after they pass through the object-glassthey converge to a focus near the eye end of the instrumentの読み方
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」

...No subliminal nor fringe of consciousness can rank in theintellectual life beside the burning focal center where the rays ofknowledge converge...   No subliminal nor fringe of consciousness can rank in theintellectual life beside the burning focal center where the rays ofknowledge convergeの読み方
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」

...Then allthe emergent pencils now converge to a point on the axial line m M(produced beyond m), and an eye suitably placed can take in all ofthem at once...   Then allthe emergent pencils now converge to a point on the axial line m M(produced beyond m), and an eye suitably placed can take in all ofthem at onceの読み方
Richard A. Proctor 「Half-hours with the Telescope」

...Spherical aberration causes those parts of a pencil which fall near theboundary of a convex lens to converge to a nearer (i...   Spherical aberration causes those parts of a pencil which fall near theboundary of a convex lens to converge to a nearer (iの読み方
Richard A. Proctor 「Half-hours with the Telescope」



exaction   setters   deists  



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白雪姫   核融合   備蓄米  

