

...Staggers, coma, frenzy, etc...   Staggers, coma, frenzy, etcの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...There may be frenzy or coma, or alternationsone with the other...   There may be frenzy or coma, or alternationsone with the otherの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...The temperature, at first usually raised,tends to become lower as stupor and utter insensibility and coma supervene...   The temperature, at first usually raised,tends to become lower as stupor and utter insensibility and coma superveneの読み方
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」

...If the dose of poison imparted by the snake has been small,the desire may pass off or the sleep may not assume the form of coma,but in all serious cases it quickly assumes that form...   If the dose of poison imparted by the snake has been small,the desire may pass off or the sleep may not assume the form of coma,but in all serious cases it quickly assumes that formの読み方
A. Mueller 「On Snake-Poison: its Action and its Antidote」

...Sometimes coma is light and thepatients can be roused for a little while, at other times it is deep andlasts till death...   Sometimes coma is light and thepatients can be roused for a little while, at other times it is deep andlasts till deathの読み方
A. Mueller 「On Snake-Poison: its Action and its Antidote」

...On the followingday, however, he became comatose, and instead of having the antidotefreely administered, gets only one more injection of five minims anddies in coma...   On the followingday, however, he became comatose, and instead of having the antidotefreely administered, gets only one more injection of five minims anddies in comaの読み方
A. Mueller 「On Snake-Poison: its Action and its Antidote」

...I heardhis breath whistle stertorously and, glancing at him, saw that he was ina coma...   I heardhis breath whistle stertorously and, glancing at him, saw that he was ina comaの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science September 1930」

...They are known by the namesCamelopardus, Canes Venatici, Coma Bernices, Lacerta, Leo Minor, Lynx,Monoceros, Sextans, and Vulpecula...   They are known by the namesCamelopardus, Canes Venatici, Coma Bernices, Lacerta, Leo Minor, Lynx,Monoceros, Sextans, and Vulpeculaの読み方
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」

...Surrounding the nucleus we find certaindefinite layers of luminous material, the coma, or head, from 20,000 to1,000,000 miles in diameter, from which the tail seems to stream away...   Surrounding the nucleus we find certaindefinite layers of luminous material, the coma, or head, from 20,000 to1,000,000 miles in diameter, from which the tail seems to stream awayの読み方
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」

...296), Coma Berenices, and Præsepe (or the Beehive), thelast-named being in the constellation of Cancer...   296), Coma Berenices, and Præsepe (or the Beehive), thelast-named being in the constellation of Cancerの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」

...Speaking generally, the course of the Milky Way is agreat circle completely girdling the sky and having itsnorth pole in the constellation Coma Berenices...   Speaking generally, the course of the Milky Way is agreat circle completely girdling the sky and having itsnorth pole in the constellation Coma Berenicesの読み方
George C. Comstock 「A Text-Book of Astronomy」

...But the nebulæ in Coma arevery faint, and, for an amateur, hardly worth the troublerequired to pick them up...   But the nebulæ in Coma arevery faint, and, for an amateur, hardly worth the troublerequired to pick them upの読み方
Garrett Serviss 「Pleasures of the telescope」

...The stars in Coma Bernices form a rich group; the sickle in Leo, theseven stars in Ursa Major, and those in Cassiopeia and Aquila arefamiliarly known to all observers...   The stars in Coma Bernices form a rich group; the sickle in Leo, theseven stars in Ursa Major, and those in Cassiopeia and Aquila arefamiliarly known to all observersの読み方
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」

...It extends, however, for somedistance into Coma Berenices, while outlying nebulæ belongingto it are also to be found in the eastern part ofLeo...   It extends, however, for somedistance into Coma Berenices, while outlying nebulæ belongingto it are also to be found in the eastern part ofLeoの読み方
Garrett Serviss 「Pleasures of the telescope」

...Through its more attenuatedextremity, the stars were plainly seen, the coma seeming to be much lessdense, showing the sky through the centre like a dark line...   Through its more attenuatedextremity, the stars were plainly seen, the coma seeming to be much lessdense, showing the sky through the centre like a dark lineの読み方
John Lort Stokes 「Discoveries in Australia, Volume 2」



imams   lesser   Clayton  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
北斗七星   戦闘機   救世主  

