

...She felt as if she had suddenly been thrust into a coffin, and that clods of earth were being thrown upon her breast, oppressing her heart so that she could not breathe...   She felt as if      she had suddenly been thrust into a coffin, and that clods of earth were      being thrown upon her breast, oppressing her heart so that she could not      breatheの読み方
Baroness Orczy 「El Dorado」

...The whole amount that was in the nest of trunks was only onedollar and a half; and all that the man possessed would not pay forhis coffin...   The whole amount that was in the nest of trunks was only onedollar and a half; and all that the man possessed would not pay forhis coffinの読み方
Olaudah Equiano 「The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African」

...We buried him beforenightfall in a peaceful spot close by, the doctor reading the funeralservice, while I assisted in lowering the rude coffin into the grave...   We buried him beforenightfall in a peaceful spot close by, the doctor reading the funeralservice, while I assisted in lowering the rude coffin into the graveの読み方
J. H. Patterson 「The Man-eaters of Tsavo and Other East African Adventures」

...And so this last token of love, unread, was placed at his own desire beside him in his coffin...   And so this last token of	love, unread, was placed at his own desire	beside him in his coffinの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905」

...Whenever and whereversavages become supplied with rifles, then it is time to measure eachbig-game animal for its coffin...   Whenever and whereversavages become supplied with rifles, then it is time to measure eachbig-game animal for its coffinの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...Here, under a thin layer of sand, the grub's skin hardens and becomes a coffin, a casket, wherein the transformation sleep is slept...   Here, under a thin layer of      sand, the grubs skin hardens and becomes a coffin, a casket, wherein the      transformation sleep is sleptの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」

...After a formal condemnation he isbeheaded, laid in a coffin, and on Ash Wednesday is buried in thechurchyard...   After a formal condemnation he isbeheaded, laid in a coffin, and on Ash Wednesday is buried in thechurchyardの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...The people chose an old man andgave him a small coffin containing a Priapus-like figurerepresenting Yarilo...   The people chose an old man andgave him a small coffin containing a Priapus-like figurerepresenting Yariloの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...Another method of disposing of the dead, which isvery frequently adopted, is to place the body wrappedin mats in a rude coffin, which is usually constructedfrom pieces of broken canoes...   Another method of disposing of the dead, which isvery frequently adopted, is to place the body wrappedin mats in a rude coffin, which is usually constructedfrom pieces of broken canoesの読み方
A. F. R. Wollaston 「Pygmies and Papuans」

...The Neolithic Egyptian used no box or coffin, the nearest approach to this being a pot, which was inverted over the coiled up body...   The Neolithic Egyptian used no box or      coffin, the nearest approach to this being a pot, which was inverted over      the coiled up bodyの読み方
L.W. King and H.R. Hall 「History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, And Assyria In The Light Of Recent Discovery」

...When all were assembled, the whisky and the coffin wereto be brought from their resting place and set on the platform...   When all were assembled, the whisky and the coffin wereto be brought from their resting place and set on the platformの読み方
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」

...The coffin was then to be replaced in the little cave, whichwas to be again sealed up, not to be reopened until the Day ofJudgment...   The coffin was then to be replaced in the little cave, whichwas to be again sealed up, not to be reopened until the Day ofJudgmentの読み方
Gerard Fowke 「Archeological Investigations」

...The coffin was removed to the Quirinaland turned into a water-trough...   The coffin was removed to the Quirinaland turned into a water-troughの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...The golden ring was given to Giacomo della Porta, thearchitect, the bones were put aside in a corner of the building,and the coffin was used as a tank from 1588 to 1615...   The golden ring was given to Giacomo della Porta, thearchitect, the bones were put aside in a corner of the building,and the coffin was used as a tank from 1588 to 1615の読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...Had it not happened that the inscription wascopied by Bruzio before the mutilation of the coffin, weshould have remained entirely ignorant of its connectionwith the illustrious friend of S...   Had it not happened that the inscription wascopied by Bruzio before the mutilation of the coffin, weshould have remained entirely ignorant of its connectionwith the illustrious friend of Sの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」

...The body is described as well arranged in the coffin,with arms and legs still flexible...   The body is described as well arranged in the coffin,with arms and legs still flexibleの読み方
Rodolfo Lanciani 「Pagan and Christian Rome」



pliancy   chirk   excavations  



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