...LAYARD has describedan encounter between a Mygale and a cockroach, which he witnessedin the madua of a temple at Alittane, between Anarajapoora andDambool...
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」
...The following illustrationshows an attitude observed and sketched by Captain Tickell, as theanimal was about to seize a cockroach...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...So in a strongersense with the grasshopper and cockroach...
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」
...Besides the Reduvius, the cockroach is the natural enemy of the bed-bug,and destroys large numbers...
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」
...Common Cockroach (Blatta orientalis)...
Geo. H. Carpenter 「The Life-Story of Insects」
...It is noteworthy that in animmature cockroach the entire dorsal cuticle is hard and firm...
Geo. H. Carpenter 「The Life-Story of Insects」
...In many Hemiptera—the various familiesof bugs both aquatic and terrestrial, for example—the life-history isnearly as simple as that of a cockroach...
Geo. H. Carpenter 「The Life-Story of Insects」
...I don't know anybody who thinks a cockroach pretty...
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」
...The female of this species of cockroach has nowings at all, only little hints of wings, as it were...
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」
...If you were to spread out the wings of a cockroach, you would find ithad four...
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」
...If you dislike to touch the cockroach so much, perhaps you will look atthis picture of a croton bug...
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」
...See, the upper wings are different; the cockroach does not fly withthem, he merely uses them to cover up the under wings, and we call themwing covers...
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」
...Now, do look again at this cockroach I have taken such pains to catchfor you and put into the tumbler...
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」
...Put a bit of food at some distance from a hungry cockroach, and it willnot be long before a pair of long, sensitive feelers will come waving toand fro out of some dark corner...
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」
...Anybody would think you had seen a cockroach...
Margaret Warner Morley 「The Insect Folk」
... Cockroach...
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」
...These two are seldom absent when a burrow is excavated, the femalecockroaches being abundant, although the winged males have neverbeen taken in the burrows...
Charles T. Vorhies and Walter P. Taylor 「Life History of the Kangaroo Rat」
...It attacks the Cockroach...
Frédéric Houssay 「The Industries of Animals」
...It has also the habit of paralysing the cockroach by stinging it on the nervous chain...
Frédéric Houssay 「The Industries of Animals」
poplar nemesis pericardium