

...But even as their bodiessank to the paving there was the harsh clangor of alarm bells...   But even as their bodiessank to the paving there was the harsh clangor of alarm bellsの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, August, 1931」

...Great flocks of sandhillcranes passed overhead from time to time, theair resounding with their strange, musical,guttural clangor...   Great flocks of sandhillcranes passed overhead from time to time, theair resounding with their strange, musical,guttural clangorの読み方
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」

...Such was the picturethen; now, the clangor of a city echoed through BigCreek Valley...   Such was the picturethen; now, the clangor of a city echoed through BigCreek Valleyの読み方
W. E. Webb 「Buffalo Land」

...Both male and female are, perhaps, the noisiest of allgeese; at night, the least footfall or motion in their neighborhood issufficient to call forth their clangor and resonant trumpetings...   Both male and female are, perhaps, the noisiest of allgeese; at night, the least footfall or motion in their neighborhood issufficient to call forth their clangor and resonant trumpetingsの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...A squall,—hideous in its unearthly clangor,—split the night silences...   A squall,—hideous in its unearthly clangor,—split the night silencesの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...The clangor and glare of the oncoming express awakened her...   The clangor and glare of the oncoming express awakened herの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...Now it fairlyvibrated with clangor...   Now it fairlyvibrated with clangorの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...Your ear has long been accustomedto the watery clangor of the bittern,when a new yet familiar sound strikesit, the thin, vibrant bass of the first bullfrog'snote...   Your ear has long been accustomedto the watery clangor of the bittern,when a new yet familiar sound strikesit, the thin, vibrant bass of the first bullfrogsnoteの読み方
Rowland E. Robinson 「In New England Fields and Woods」

...Now thedark column moves steadily onward, nowveers in confusion from some suspectedor discovered danger, or pauses to assailwith a harsh clangor some sworn enemyof the sable brotherhood...   Now thedark column moves steadily onward, nowveers in confusion from some suspectedor discovered danger, or pauses to assailwith a harsh clangor some sworn enemyof the sable brotherhoodの読み方
Rowland E. Robinson 「In New England Fields and Woods」

...From skyward comes the clangor ofclarions, wild and musical, proclaimingthe march of gray cohorts of geese advancingsouthward through the hills anddales of cloudland...   From skyward comes the clangor ofclarions, wild and musical, proclaimingthe march of gray cohorts of geese advancingsouthward through the hills anddales of cloudlandの読み方
Rowland E. Robinson 「In New England Fields and Woods」

... bank had been opened onlyten minutes when the clangor ofgongs announced a robbery...    bank had been opened onlyten minutes when the clangor ofgongs announced a robberyの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930」

...Outside sounded the sudden insistent clangor of a gong, andimmediately the hiss of steam grew louder...   Outside sounded the sudden insistent clangor of a gong, andimmediately the hiss of steam grew louderの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories, February, 1931」

...He drove it against the metal and the clangor of its strikingreverberated through the chamber...   He drove it against the metal and the clangor of its strikingreverberated through the chamberの読み方
Arthur Leo Zagat 「The Great Dome on Mercury」

...Another! The clangor offalling steel...   Another! The clangor offalling steelの読み方
Arthur Leo Zagat 「The Great Dome on Mercury」



desiderate   bostonian   wrapping  


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