...These tender-hearted gentry should consider that it’s not merely a squire, but a governor they are asking to whip himself; just as if it was ‘drink with cherries...
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Volume II., Complete」
...The cook was mercilessly slaughtering in the poultry-yard; Celestin was gathering white cherries in the garden...
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Louise de la Valliere」
...The temperature of the air iscooler here, and the trees are of a different character;apples, pears, cherries, walnuts, apricots,peaches, plums, and rhododendrums, were theproduce of this region...
Abd Salam Shabeeny 「An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa」
...However, some seasons there would be an abundance of black cherries which the bears are very fond of...
Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock 「Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper」
...Watson's remarks on our wild plums and cherries and crabs, 'Cybele Britannica,' vol...
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」
... I would rather have a dozen nice fatflies than all the cherries in the world!"...
Lenore Elizabeth Mulets 「Stories of Birds」
...On this plateau grew the biggest cherry trees I ever saw, and they borethe biggest and sweetest cherries, though I could not taste any at thattime, as the season was past...
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」
..."Our birds always eat some of our cherries too," she said, "but theyalways leave us plenty...
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」
... We had a cellar full ofcanned cherries left over from the year before, you remember, and thatis the way it is nearly every year...
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」
...When the ox-heart cherries, which hehas only recently become acquainted with, havehad time to enlarge his pipe and warm his heart,I shall expect more music from him...
John Burroughs 「Bird Stories from Burroughs」
...What can those cherries be? At the end of the summer, grandfather comes with a spade and turns my field of observation topsy-turvy...
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」
...A man—or perhaps stillbetter a child—sees a plate of cherries...
Jane Ellen Harrison 「Ancient Art and Ritual」
...If he isjust a man of taste, he will take what we call an “æsthetic” pleasure inthose cherries...
Jane Ellen Harrison 「Ancient Art and Ritual」
aggravated directing north