

...My wines of Anjou, selected for Athos, who liked them formerly; my wines of Burgundy, Champagne, Bordeaux, and Spain, stocking eight cellars and twelve vaults, in my various houses...   My wines of Anjou, selected for Athos, who liked them formerly; my      wines of Burgundy, Champagne, Bordeaux, and Spain, stocking eight cellars      and twelve vaults, in my various housesの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」

...saccharina? there are fourundescribed species; one found about out-houses and cellars, and theheat-loving form, perhaps an imported, species, found in a kitchen inSalem, and apparently allied to the L...   saccharina? there are fourundescribed species; one found about out-houses and cellars, and theheat-loving form, perhaps an imported, species, found in a kitchen inSalem, and apparently allied to the Lの読み方
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」

...The Poduridæ, so well known by name, as affording the scales used bymicroscopists as test objects, are common under stones and wet chips, orin damp places, cellars, mushrooms and about manure heaps...   The Poduridæ, so well known by name, as affording the scales used bymicroscopists as test objects, are common under stones and wet chips, orin damp places, cellars, mushrooms and about manure heapsの読み方
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」

...Once, long ago, there was afarm there; but even the cellars have disappeared,and the crows no longer fear the place...   Once, long ago, there was afarm there; but even the cellars have disappeared,and the crows no longer fear the placeの読み方
William J. Long 「Ways of Wood Folk」

...That night there came down a tremendousfall of rain, which flooded all the fields and cellars,and did great damage in the village...   That night there came down a tremendousfall of rain, which flooded all the fields and cellars,and did great damage in the villageの読み方
Various 「Natural History in Anecdote」

...The later pottery ofPalissy consisted of salt cellars, inkstands, ewers, &c...   The later pottery ofPalissy consisted of salt cellars, inkstands, ewers, &cの読み方
Richard Glazier 「A Manual of Historic Ornament」

...By nightfall every living thingin Adelaide and the suburbs had beeneaten, except for a few who succeededin hiding in walled-up cellars, or in thesurrounding marshes...   By nightfall every living thingin Adelaide and the suburbs had beeneaten, except for a few who succeededin hiding in walled-up cellars, or in thesurrounding marshesの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930」

...They built enormous monasteries withwell filled cellars, and lived on the fat of the land, while the peoplelived in wretched hovels, working their lives away for a crust of bread...   They built enormous monasteries withwell filled cellars, and lived on the fat of the land, while the peoplelived in wretched hovels, working their lives away for a crust of breadの読み方
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」

...The present building is spacious and roomy, with cellars and an attic storey...   The present building is spacious and roomy, with cellars and an attic storeyの読み方
David Collins 「An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 2」



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