

...I don't understand the Negro of today at all; he puzzles me; he doesn't fit any of my categories, and I suspect that I don't fit his...   I dont understand the Negro of today at all; he puzzles      me; he doesnt fit any of my categories, and I suspect that I      dont fit hisの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Quest of the Silver Fleece」

...But, like communism and population, all these categories are antinomical; all are opposed, not only to each other, but to themselves...   But, like communism and population, all these      categories are antinomical; all are opposed, not only to each other, but      to themselvesの読み方
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」

...The human race—like all other races of sociable animals—has its instincts, its innate faculties, its general ideas, and its categories of sentiment and reason...   The human race—like all other      races of sociable animals—has its instincts, its innate faculties,      its general ideas, and its categories of sentiment and reasonの読み方
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」

...Thermal reactions of reptiles were classified by Cowles and Bogert (1944) into several categories...   Thermal reactions of reptiles were classified by Cowles and Bogert (1944)    into several categoriesの読み方
Ray D. Burkett 「Natural History of Cottonmouth Moccasin, Agkistrodon piscovorus (Reptilia)」

...Such features are often of utmost importance in distinguishing thehigher taxonomic categories...   Such features are often of utmost importance in distinguishing thehigher taxonomic categoriesの読み方
William B. Stallcup 「Myology and Serology of the Avian Family Fringillidae」

...This kind of climate can be divided into two categories based on theaverage annual temperature...   This kind of climate can be divided into two categories based on theaverage annual temperatureの読み方
Ticul Alvarez 「The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, Mexico」

...The one about old dogs and new tricks belongs in both categories...   The one about old dogs and new tricks belongs in both categoriesの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Further Adventures of Lad」

...In outlining the ten categories above, attention has been given tocertain similarities and differences in the frequency distributions...   In outlining the ten categories above, attention has been given tocertain similarities and differences in the frequency distributionsの読み方
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」

...Regardingtemperature, there are four categories of birds; these are evident inthe table...   Regardingtemperature, there are four categories of birds; these are evident inthe tableの読み方
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」

...Almost all such species are migrants, but many migrantshave different temporal characteristics, and the categories thus areshown to be discrete on the basis of temperature at time of breeding...   Almost all such species are migrants, but many migrantshave different temporal characteristics, and the categories thus areshown to be discrete on the basis of temperature at time of breedingの読み方
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」

...Table 1 shows the relationshipsbetween the environmental categories recognized by the writer inthe San Gabriel Mountains...   Table 1 shows the relationshipsbetween the environmental categories recognized by the writer inthe San Gabriel Mountainsの読み方
Terry A. Vaughan 「Mammals of the San Gabriel Mountains of California」

...Different investigators might choose different limits forthe three categories young, subadult, and adult...   Different investigators might choose different limits forthe three categories young, subadult, and adultの読み方
Charles L. Douglas 「Comparative Ecology of Pinyon Mice and Deer Mice in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

..., correspond entirely in theirdevelopment to the different categories which we classify in zoology and botanyas stems, classes, orders, families, genera, species, and varieties...   , correspond entirely in theirdevelopment to the different categories which we classify in zoology and botanyas stems, classes, orders, families, genera, species, and varietiesの読み方
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」

...The two artists belongto wholly different categories...   The two artists belongto wholly different categoriesの読み方
W. C. Brownell 「French Art」

... sometimes proud of tables of categories...    sometimes      proud of tables of categoriesの読み方
Friedrich Nietzsche Helen Zimmern 「Beyond Good and Evil」



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