...On thesuperior border of the anterior segment the cartilage ofthe first rib is articulated...
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」
...1, Outline of the thorax at the levelof the third dorsal vertebra; 2, 2,scapula; 3, spinal border of thescapula; 4, cartilage of prolongation;5, contour of the skin...
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」
...The cartilage of prolongationundergoes ossification in old horses...
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」
...—Thismuscle, inserted into the posterior surface ofthe concha, draws this cartilage backwards and downwards...
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」
...Their callosities and cheek-pouches are large, and they havea sac which communicates with the larynx under the thyroid cartilage,which fills with air when they cry out...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...The bones arelight and spongy, and the spine particularly flexible, from theamount of cartilage between the bones...
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」
...The posterior branch inserts on the proximal end of the lateral edgeof the tibial cartilage...
William B. Stallcup 「Myology and Serology of the Avian Family Fringillidae」
...The belly extends approximately one-fourth of the way down thecrus and gives rise to the tendon of insertion which passes distally and superficiallythrough the posterior edge of the tibial cartilage...
William B. Stallcup 「Myology and Serology of the Avian Family Fringillidae」
...—The sinus formed by the passage of matter should be probedand searched to the bottom for the presence of a foreign substance or theevidence of decaying cartilage...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...In the south of Europe they are managed by meansof a ring passed through the cartilage of the nose, but in India it is amere rope...
George Vasey 「Delineations of the Ox Tribe」
...The prevomer is short and separated anteriorly from the premaxillary and maxillary by cartilage...
Juan R. León 「The Systematics of the Frogs of the Hyla Rubra Group in Middle America」
...Ventrally, the premaxillary is united to the prevomers by partially ossified cartilage...
Juan R. León 「The Systematics of the Frogs of the Hyla Rubra Group in Middle America」