

... “They want that brat of a singing gringo, that carrot top with a face like a skinned kid to be my grandson? ...         “They want that brat of a singing gringo, that carrot top with a face like      a skinned kid to be my grandson? の読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...Poultice with grated carrot...   Poultice with grated carrotの読み方
Richard L. Allen 「Domestic Animals」

...Buckman has lately proved by his interesting experiments how quickly the roots of the wild parsnip can be enlarged, as Vilmorin formerly proved in the case of the carrot...   Buckman has lately proved by his  interesting experiments how quickly the roots of the wild parsnip can be  enlarged, as Vilmorin formerly proved in the case of the carrotの読み方
Charles Darwin 「The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.」

...'A man might as well talk to a carrot as try an' get sense out of thisrunt of a feller,' said Bill, disgusted...   A man might as well talk to a carrot as try an get sense out of thisrunt of a feller, said Bill, disgustedの読み方
Norman Lindsay 「The Magic Pudding」

...At this camp, we found a plant, which was awild carrot, tasting exactly like parsley...   At this camp, we found a plant, which was awild carrot, tasting exactly like parsleyの読み方
Thomas Mitchell 「Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia」

...The wild carrot, DAUCUSBRACHIATUS, with an annual wiry root, was also seen in the rich groundnear the river...   The wild carrot, DAUCUSBRACHIATUS, with an annual wiry root, was also seen in the rich groundnear the riverの読み方
Thomas Mitchell 「Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia」



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