

...Hodgson describes asdwelling in burrows, and being carnivorous andranivorous?—Vide Journ...   Hodgson describes asdwelling in burrows, and being carnivorous andranivorous?—Vide Journの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

..." Its habits are carnivorous, and degenerateinto cannibalism, as it preys on the weaker individuals of its ownspecies...    Its habits are carnivorous, and degenerateinto cannibalism, as it preys on the weaker individuals of its ownspeciesの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

...The skull has amore carnivorous form; it has "a complete zygomatic arch, and thetympanic bone forms a bundle-like swelling on each side of the backof the skull...   The skull has amore carnivorous form; it has a complete zygomatic arch, and thetympanic bone forms a bundle-like swelling on each side of the backof the skullの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...Milne-Edwards remarks that there is no carnivorous animal of whichthe zygomatic arches are so developed as in the Ailuropus...   Milne-Edwards remarks that there is no carnivorous animal of whichthe zygomatic arches are so developed as in the Ailuropusの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...Itis carnivorous, herbivorous, and abstemious fromwater, requiring no other fluids than those obtainedby eating roots...   Itis carnivorous, herbivorous, and abstemious fromwater, requiring no other fluids than those obtainedby eating rootsの読み方
W. E. Webb 「Buffalo Land」

...It is probable that this deadlyaversion of the female for the male at the end of the mating season isfairly common, especially among the carnivorous insects...   It is probable that this deadlyaversion of the female for the male at the end of the mating season isfairly common, especially among the carnivorous insectsの読み方
J. H. Fabre Bernard Miall 「Social Life in the Insect World」

...Here is a partial explanation of the double system of the Hymenopterawith their carnivorous larvæ—the system of dead or paralysed insectsfollowed by honey...   Here is a partial explanation of the double system of the Hymenopterawith their carnivorous larvæ—the system of dead or paralysed insectsfollowed by honeyの読み方
J. H. Fabre Bernard Miall 「Social Life in the Insect World」

...44,Tachina); also many carnivorous species of wasps beetles and flies,dragon flies and Aphis lions (Fig...   44,Tachina); also many carnivorous species of wasps beetles and flies,dragon flies and Aphis lions (Figの読み方
Alpheus Spring Packard 「Our Common Insects」

...No one, as far as I am aware, had as yetsuspected the true parasitism of a carnivorous Meloid...   No one, as far as I am aware, had as yetsuspected the true parasitism of a carnivorous Meloidの読み方
Jean Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles」

... This being so, the Anthrax does not chew its food as do the other carnivorous grubs; it does not eat, it inhales...        This being so, the Anthrax does not chew its food as do the other      carnivorous grubs; it does not eat, it inhalesの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」



running   feathers   heavily  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
安全神話   今季初   不良少年  

