...The relief should be directed wholly to keep the cancer, for such it is,in a passive or quiescent state...
Dinks, Mayhew, and Hutchinson 「The Dog」
...Theinfiltrating cancer begins as an elevation of the skin, which progresses untilit becomes rough and nodular...
U.S. Department of Agriculture 「Special Report on Diseases of Cattle」
...Next, coming from Gemini into Cancer,which occupies the shortest space in heaven, and after traversing oneeighth of it, he determines the summer solstice...
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」
...A short time after that he told hissister that he knew himself to have a cancer,and that was true...
Dolores Bacon 「Pictures Every Child Should Know」
...For they are afflicted in great numbers with astinking death they call cancer...
Various 「Astounding Stories, June, 1931」
...—A line drawn from the Bee Hive, in Cancer, through Regulus,in Leo, and prolonged about 40°, ends near the conspicuousquadrilateral which distinguishes Corvus...
William Tyler Olcott 「A Field Book of the Stars」
...The nebula Praesepe in Cancer, he wasalso able to resolve into a cluster of stars...
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」
...The cluster Praesepe in Cancer is visible on a clear night to theunaided eye as a small nebula...
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」
...South and south itmoves, passing in turn the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator, the Tropic ofCapricorn, until it reaches the South Pole; after which it touches theearth no longer, but is cast into space...
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」
...There are many other fine objects in Gemini, but we pass to Cancer...
Richard A. Proctor 「Half-hours with the Telescope」
...Unless it's a cancer in the stomach, I don't know what it can be...
Marcus Clarke 「For the Term of His Natural Life」
...On the 14th, the wind began to blow steady from the north-east; and on the 15th, about eleven in the forenoon, we crossed the tropic of Cancer...
David Collins 「An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Vol. 1」
...A line drawn from Nathin Auriga to Pollux in Gemini, and prolonged about 15°, ends inPræsepe, the Manger, the great star cluster in Cancer, which is alsocalled "The Bee Hive...
William Tyler Olcott 「A Field Book of the Stars」
...296), Coma Berenices, and Præsepe (or the Beehive), thelast-named being in the constellation of Cancer...
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」
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