

...At length I found that fluttering back and forth buffeting my wingsagainst the sides of my cell only injured me and availed nothing...   At length I found that fluttering back and forth buffeting my wingsagainst the sides of my cell only injured me and availed nothingの読み方
Virginia Sharpe Patterson 「Dickey Downy」

...That thin jet filled the roomwith buffeting whirlwinds that grew quickly cold...   That thin jet filled the roomwith buffeting whirlwinds that grew quickly coldの読み方
Charles Willard Diffin 「Two Thousand Miles Below」

...Also after a buffeting Cheon was generally persuaded an evil spirit dwelt within certain Willy-Willys...   Also after a buffeting Cheon was generally      persuaded an evil spirit dwelt within certain Willy-Willysの読み方
Jeanie “Mrs. Aeneas” Gunn 「We of the Never-Never」

...Fate had not yet spent all her wrath on them, and in attemptinga landing, Grey's boat was dashed to destruction upon a rock, and theother received such a buffeting as to place it beyond repair...   Fate had not yet spent all her wrath on them, and in attemptinga landing, Greys boat was dashed to destruction upon a rock, and theother received such a buffeting as to place it beyond repairの読み方
Ernest Favenc 「The Explorers of Australia and their Life-work」



Sedgwick   accolade   firefly  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
生活習慣病   認知症   理想的  

