

..."It happened on a time, that in a borough about four leaguesfrom this place, one of the aldermen lost his ass...   It happened on a time, that in a borough about four leaguesfrom this place, one of the aldermen lost his assの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」

... “You shall have the complete power of a military dictator in every town or borough of France which you may visit...         “You shall have the complete power of a military dictator in every town or      borough of France which you may visitの読み方
Baroness Emmuska Orczy 「The Elusive Pimpernel」

..." He was the owner of six slaves, was engaged in farming and mercantile pursuits, and the postmaster of the borough in which he lived...    He was the owner of               six slaves, was engaged in farming and mercantile pursuits, and the postmaster               of the borough in which he livedの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...This produced not only a shock, but a crisis in the affairs of our little borough...   This produced not only a shock, but a                  crisis in the affairs of our little boroughの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...A few days afterwards the Archdeacon went fromthe Borough side of the Thames in a boat to the vessel, which was thenin St...   A few days afterwards the Archdeacon went fromthe Borough side of the Thames in a boat to the vessel, which was thenin Stの読み方
Edward Jesse 「Anecdotes of Dogs」

...—Most likely to be a corruption of Catherine Wheel;there was a sign of this name in the Borough, Southwark...   —Most likely to be a corruption of Catherine Wheel;there was a sign of this name in the Borough, Southwarkの読み方
Harrison Weir 「Our Cats and All About Them」

...) the heroof a novel ('Melincourt'), had him created a baronet, and returned forthe borough of One Vote...   ) the heroof a novel (Melincourt), had him created a baronet, and returned forthe borough of One Voteの読み方
Various 「Heads and Tales」

...I have a vivid recollection atthis moment of a vast heap of splinters in the Borough Road, close toSt...   I have a vivid recollection atthis moment of a vast heap of splinters in the Borough Road, close toStの読み方
John Ruskin 「Lectures on Architecture and Painting」

...—This church stands on high ground overlookingthe river Wear, at the head of New Elvet; and is theparish church of the ancient borough of Elvet...   —This church stands on high ground overlookingthe river Wear, at the head of New Elvet; and is theparish church of the ancient borough of Elvetの読み方
J. E. Bygate 「Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham」

...Until the middle of the nineteenth century, Peterborough remained one ofthe most unchanged examples in the kingdom of the monastic borough...   Until the middle of the nineteenth century, Peterborough remained one ofthe most unchanged examples in the kingdom of the monastic boroughの読み方
W.D. Sweeting 「The Cathedral Church of Peterborough」

...Peter itself, that Golden Borough which often came to be calleddistinctively the Borough without further epithet...   Peter itself, that Golden Borough which often came to be calleddistinctively the Borough without further epithetの読み方
W.D. Sweeting 「The Cathedral Church of Peterborough」

...While sufficient for the transaction of borough business 100 years ago,it is altogether inadequate now to the requirements of a corporation...   While sufficient for the transaction of borough business 100 years ago,it is altogether inadequate now to the requirements of a corporationの読み方
W.D. Sweeting 「The Cathedral Church of Peterborough」

...Gunton declares that the prosperous and wealthy condition of the abbeyunder the rule of Aldulf caused its name to be improved intoGildenburgh, the Golden Borough...   Gunton declares that the prosperous and wealthy condition of the abbeyunder the rule of Aldulf caused its name to be improved intoGildenburgh, the Golden Boroughの読み方
W.D. Sweeting 「The Cathedral Church of Peterborough」

...The subject of the plate under consideration is that of the Borough Fair; a fairheld some time since in the Borough of Southwark, though now suppressed...   The subject of the plate under consideration is that of the Borough Fair; a fairheld some time since in the Borough of Southwark, though now suppressedの読み方
John Trusler 「The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings」

...As likely as not he was the guest of the Henry Ococks in theirnew mansion, or of the mayor of the borough...   As likely as not he was the guest of the Henry Ococks in theirnew mansion, or of the mayor of the boroughの読み方
Henry Handel Richardson 「Australia Felix」



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