

...The bolt had hit its mark—not his heart, but his mind and comprehension...   The bolt had hit its mark—not his heart, but his mind and      comprehensionの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」

...No, no; if you desire that he should remain under your lock and bolt, never give him in charge to me; however closely wired might be the cage, the bird would, in the end, take wing...   No, no; if you desire that he      should remain under your lock and bolt, never give him in charge to me;      however closely wired might be the cage, the bird would, in the end, take      wingの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「The Man in the Iron Mask」

...Montalais, observing this, stood listening for a moment, and then heard Madame lock and bolt her door...   Montalais, observing this, stood      listening for a moment, and then heard Madame lock and bolt her doorの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Louise de la Valliere」

...'He won't bolt far,' Laputa said...   He wont bolt far, Laputa saidの読み方
John Buchan 「Prester John」

... It caught him on the point of thechin, and his neck cricked like the bolt of a rifle...    It caught him on the point of thechin, and his neck cricked like the bolt of a rifleの読み方
John Buchan 「Prester John」

...Then he sat bolt upright and saluted, his face dyed to a deep red in his sudden confusion...   Then he sat bolt upright      and saluted, his face dyed to a deep red in his sudden confusionの読み方
Anthony Hope 「Rupert of Hentzau」

...He sat bolt upright, and the Rangar allowed himself to look amused...   He sat bolt upright, and the Rangar allowed himself      to look amusedの読み方
Talbot Mundy 「King--of the Khyber Rifles」

...My rifle was in the waggon, and my first thought was to get hold of it, and I turned and made a bolt for it...   My rifle was in the waggon, and my first thought was to get hold      of it, and I turned and made a bolt for itの読み方
Various 「Stories by English Authors: Africa」

... Lying on the threshold, she heard the bolt fastened, and knew the last act of the tragedy was begun...         Lying on the threshold, she heard the bolt fastened, and knew the last act      of the tragedy was begunの読み方
Various 「Stories by English Authors: Africa」

...Meanwhile, King Ben Cracko had made a bolt to escape, but was seized by his long calico robe; which, however, gave way, leaving him literally naked in the midst of his enemies...   Meanwhile, King Ben Cracko had made a      bolt to escape, but was seized by his long calico robe; which, however,      gave way, leaving him literally naked in the midst of his enemiesの読み方
Horatio Bridge 「Journal of an African Cruiser」

...Well, thank God that the President did not fail us, that the fierce rumbling of democratic thunder did not shake from his hand the bolt he leveled against slavery...   Well, thank God that the President did not fail us, that                  the fierce rumbling of democratic thunder did not shake from his hand the                  bolt he leveled against slaveryの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...On the twenty-fifth of December, 1837, my long anticipated time hadarrived when I was to put into operation my former resolution, whichwas to bolt for Liberty or consent to die a Slave...   On the twenty-fifth of December, 1837, my long anticipated time hadarrived when I was to put into operation my former resolution, whichwas to bolt for Liberty or consent to die a Slaveの読み方
Henry Bibb 「Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave, Written by Himself」

...“There wasa bolt I was suspectin’ of this morning,but Mr...   “There wasa bolt I was suspectin’ of this morning,but Mrの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 2, September, 1905」

...The bolt was scarcely drawn, and thedoor opened...   The bolt was scarcely drawn, and thedoor openedの読み方
Leo Tolstoy 「The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories」

...We knocked again,and this time heard a faint step slowly moving toward the door; a heavywooden bolt was moved aside, and we perceived a human face, with theexpression of a wounded, frightened animal...   We knocked again,and this time heard a faint step slowly moving toward the door; a heavywooden bolt was moved aside, and we perceived a human face, with theexpression of a wounded, frightened animalの読み方
Various 「Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 3, May 1906」

...This cut illustrates Bear Chain Clevis and Bolt, intended as a substitute for the ring on the end of the trap chain, when desired...   This cut illustrates Bear Chain Clevis and Bolt, intended as a substitute for the ring on the end of the trap chain, when desiredの読み方
A. R. (Arthur Robert) Harding 「Deadfalls and Snares」

...They jumped up on my approach, and Blacky,seeing his enemy, made a speedy bolt of it; but I was within easyrange of him, and a bullet brought him down on his head with a completesomersault...   They jumped up on my approach, and Blacky,seeing his enemy, made a speedy bolt of it; but I was within easyrange of him, and a bullet brought him down on his head with a completesomersaultの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...Lad realizinghis own bolt was shot, gave ground, backing awayfrom two assailants instead of one...   Lad realizinghis own bolt was shot, gave ground, backing awayfrom two assailants instead of oneの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Lad: A Dog」



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