

...It was a beautiful place, but the beauty was the beauty of death; and all those lines and blots of vapour wrote one great word across the surface of the country, and that word was ‘fever...   It was a beautiful place, but the beauty was the beauty of      death; and all those lines and blots of vapour wrote one great word across      the surface of the country, and that word was ‘feverの読み方
Various 「Stories by English Authors: Africa」

...The way to the woods is blurred witha mist of driven snow that veils theportal of the forest with its upblowncurtain, and blots out all paths, and givesto the familiar landmarks a ghostly unreality...   The way to the woods is blurred witha mist of driven snow that veils theportal of the forest with its upblowncurtain, and blots out all paths, and givesto the familiar landmarks a ghostly unrealityの読み方
Rowland E. Robinson 「In New England Fields and Woods」

...To gentle and pious pilgrims at the shrine the sightof him might well seem to darken the fair landscape, as when acloud suddenly blots the sun on a bright day...   To gentle and pious pilgrims at the shrine the sightof him might well seem to darken the fair landscape, as when acloud suddenly blots the sun on a bright dayの読み方
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」

...Then the dusk comes on,as it is coming now; the night blots Senez from my sight as fate hasblotted out its record from history,—and I realise that our humanmemory is in vain...   Then the dusk comes on,as it is coming now; the night blots Senez from my sight as fate hasblotted out its record from history,—and I realise that our humanmemory is in vainの読み方
Elise Whitlock Rose 「Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, Volume 1」

..., in hanging up the work in the oven see that the liquid does notrun to extremities and there form ugly blots or blotches of enamel...   , in hanging up the work in the oven see that the liquid does notrun to extremities and there form ugly blots or blotches of enamelの読み方
William N. Brown 「Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition」

...Edwards, in his “Anecdotes of Painting,” describes hisprocess as dashing out a number of accidental large blots and looseflourishes from which he selected forms and sometimes produced verygrand ideas...   Edwards, in his “Anecdotes of Painting,” describes hisprocess as dashing out a number of accidental large blots and looseflourishes from which he selected forms and sometimes produced verygrand ideasの読み方
H. M. Cundall 「Masters of Water-Colour Painting」

... In the prints of Dante, and other Florentine books, a yellowish colourprevails; and we may observe stains of oil and blots at the extremities...   

In the prints of Dante, and other Florentine books, a yellowish colourprevails; and we may observe stains of oil and blots at the extremitiesの読み方
Luigi Antonio Lanzi Thomas Roscoe 「The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6)」

...Every day, to the extent of her power, she blots out the best creature she can find...   Every day, to the extent of      her power, she blots out the best creature she can findの読み方
Chretien DeTroyes 「Four Arthurian Romances」

...But the suddenness with which the moon always blots out starswhen occulting them, has amply proved that she possesses no atmosphereworth speaking about...   But the suddenness with which the moon always blots out starswhen occulting them, has amply proved that she possesses no atmosphereworth speaking aboutの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」

...If they have not thetalent of Melbourne, neither do they share its blots...   If they have not thetalent of Melbourne, neither do they share its blotsの読み方
R. E. N. (Richard) Twopeny 「Town Life in Australia」



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