

...The Bibles and books cannot tell of you and all I feel you...   The Bibles and      books cannot tell of you and all I feel youの読み方
(AKA Ralph Iron) Olive Schreiner 「The Story of an African Farm」

...Livingstone became convinced that Bibles and preaching were not all that was necessary...   Livingstone became convinced that Bibles and      preaching were not all that was necessaryの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

...They have no Bibles to read by their own firesides...   They have no Bibles to read by their own firesidesの読み方
Booker T. Washington 「The Negro in the South」

...Persons wishing a full catalogue of all our Books, Albums, and Bibles,will please send two red stamps to pay return postage...   Persons wishing a full catalogue of all our Books, Albums, and Bibles,will please send two red stamps to pay return postageの読み方
Robert Jennings 「Sheep, Swine, and Poultry」

...Look throughyour Bibles only, and collect the various expressions with reference totower-building there, and you will have a very complete idea of thespirit in which it is for the most part undertaken...   Look throughyour Bibles only, and collect the various expressions with reference totower-building there, and you will have a very complete idea of thespirit in which it is for the most part undertakenの読み方
John Ruskin 「Lectures on Architecture and Painting」

..." Accordingly, Bishop Bonner had six of these great Bibles chained to pillars in different parts of St...    Accordingly, Bishop Bonner had six of these great Bibles chained to pillars in different parts of Stの読み方
William Benham 「Old St. Paul's Cathedral」

... (1530-1539) distinguished himself by his zeal in burning Bibles, and using all his influence on the side of Henry VIII...   

(1530-1539) distinguished himself by his zeal in burning Bibles, and using all his influence on the side of Henry VIIIの読み方
William Benham 「Old St. Paul's Cathedral」

...It is often spoken of in connectionwith the exquisitely written Bibles of the thirteenthand fourteenth centuries as of the highest value...   It is often spoken of in connectionwith the exquisitely written Bibles of the thirteenthand fourteenth centuries as of the highest valueの読み方
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」

...The illuminators of the Bibles,Romances, Mirrors, and Chronicles of the fourteenthcentury no doubt did their best, and wehonour and praise them for it...   The illuminators of the Bibles,Romances, Mirrors, and Chronicles of the fourteenthcentury no doubt did their best, and wehonour and praise them for itの読み方
John W. Bradley 「Illuminated Manuscripts」

...The date when Amos wrote is set down in themargin of our Bibles as 787 B...   The date when Amos wrote is set down in themargin of our Bibles as 787 Bの読み方
George Chambers 「The Story of Eclipses」

...The Church also strenuously objected to the printing of Bibles in thelanguages of the masses...   The Church also strenuously objected to the printing of Bibles in thelanguages of the massesの読み方
Dr. D.M. Brooks 「The Necessity of Atheism」

...The responsesare given by all that can read, our blessed societieshaving furnished Bibles and Prayer-books for all...   The responsesare given by all that can read, our blessed societieshaving furnished Bibles and Prayer-books for allの読み方
William Pridden 「Australia, its history and present condition」



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