...There was none of the beholders but was ready to burst forlaughter, having a sight of the master's madness, and the servant'ssimplicity...
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」
...We might have been excused had we really taken it for a forest demon, for nothing which the imagination of man has pictured could be more calculated to inspire its beholders with awe...
W.H.G. Kingston 「The Two Supercargoes」
...HereSmith was placed upon a scaffold, six feet square and ten feet high,securely bound, within the view of all beholders...
Ida B. Wells-Barnett 「The Red Record」
...Thoughts and purposes so incendiary as those I now cherished, could not agitate the mind long, without danger of making themselves manifest to scrutinizing and unfriendly beholders...
Frederick Douglass 「My Bondage and My Freedom」
...The cobra, beforeeating, is believed to cast it up and conceal it for the moment;else its splendour, like a flambeau, would attract all beholders...
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」
...Technically it had its shortcomings, but it conveyed theproper information to its beholders and was serviceable and gracefuldecoration for Egyptian days...
John C. Van Dyke 「A Text-Book of the History of Painting」
...It must brook no disobedience and no insubordination,save among those of its beholders about whom it does not care, fromwhom it would fain separate itself, and among whom it is not with itspeers...
Anthony M. Ludovici 「Nietzsche and Art」
...The magnificent experiment of Foucault at the Pantheon, just renewedunder the auspices of the Astronomical Society of France, demonstratesthe rotary motion of the Earth to all beholders...
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」
...The key to the secret was plainly displayed in the spectacle itself, and was noticed without being understood by thousands of the terror-stricken beholders...
Garrett Serviss 「Curiosities of the Sky」
...Thus Avicenna relates thestory of a Calfe which fell downe in a storme, the beholders thinking ita Moone-calfe, and that it fell thence...
John Wilkins 「The Discovery of a World in the Moone」