

...Don’t Marry for Beauty Alone...   Don’t Marry for Beauty Aloneの読み方
James W. Donovan 「Don't Marry」

...Don’t marry for beauty merely...   Don’t marry for beauty merelyの読み方
James W. Donovan 「Don't Marry」

...They were all highlydelighted with her grace, air, and beauty, and declared Don Fernando to bea man of very little taste when he rejected such charms...   They were all highlydelighted with her grace, air, and beauty, and declared Don Fernando to bea man of very little taste when he rejected such charmsの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...As to beauty, I have nothing to do with it; and if the truth is to betold, I like them both; though I have never seen the lady Dulcinea...   As to beauty, I have nothing to do with it; and if the truth is to betold, I like them both; though I have never seen the lady Dulcineaの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...Allthe people of the inn were struck with astonishment at the beauty ofDorothea, and even at the comely figure of the shepherd Cardenio...   Allthe people of the inn were struck with astonishment at the beauty ofDorothea, and even at the comely figure of the shepherd Cardenioの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...If, then, the mineof her honour, beauty, virtue, and modesty yields thee without labour allthe wealth it contains and thou canst wish for, why wilt thou dig theearth in search of fresh veins, of new unknown treasure, risking thecollapse of all, since it but rests on the feeble props of her weaknature? Bethink thee that from him who seeks impossibilities that which ispossible may with justice be withheld, as was better expressed by a poetwho said:...   If, then, the mineof her honour, beauty, virtue, and modesty yields thee without labour allthe wealth it contains and thou canst wish for, why wilt thou dig theearth in search of fresh veins, of new unknown treasure, risking thecollapse of all, since it but rests on the feeble props of her weaknature? Bethink thee that from him who seeks impossibilities that which ispossible may with justice be withheld, as was better expressed by a poetwho said:の読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...It would be beyond my powernow to describe to you the great beauty, the high-bred air, the brilliantattire of my beloved Zoraida as she presented herself before my eyes...   It would be beyond my powernow to describe to you the great beauty, the high-bred air, the brilliantattire of my beloved Zoraida as she presented herself before my eyesの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」

...Don Quixoteoffered to mount guard over the castle lest they should be attacked bysome giant or other malevolent scoundrel, covetous of the great treasureof beauty the castle contained...   Don Quixoteoffered to mount guard over the castle lest they should be attacked bysome giant or other malevolent scoundrel, covetous of the great treasureof beauty the castle containedの読み方
Miguel de Cervantes 「The History of Don Quixote, Vol. I, Complete」



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