...Labours of the committee during the author's journey; Quakers the first to notice its institution; General Baptists the next...
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」
...Had I closed the door I should have smothered,so, in the presence of twenty interested black Baptists, I took anembarrassing but one of the most necessary baths I can remember...
Richard Harding Davis 「The Congo and Coasts of Africa」
...In church fellowship he was connected with the Methodists—his mistress with the Baptists...
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」
...These imprisoned children of God were many of them Methodists, some Baptists, and others claiming to believe in the faith of the Presbyterians and Episcopalians...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle」
...Ain’t no worse then some of you Baptists, nohow...
Zora Hurston and Langston Hughes 「The Mule-Bone: A Comedy of Negro Life in Three Acts」
...(The Methodists turn and walk off towards left exit, switching their clothes asthe Baptists are doing...
Zora Hurston and Langston Hughes 「The Mule-Bone: A Comedy of Negro Life in Three Acts」
...Now just let some of youold half-pint Baptists let yo’ wooden God and Cornstalk Jesus fool youinto hittin’ me...
Zora Hurston and Langston Hughes 「The Mule-Bone: A Comedy of Negro Life in Three Acts」
...Fora number of years the Southern white Baptists have contributed towardNegro education...
Booker T. Washington 「The Future of the American Negro」
...When the Baptists split on the question ofmissions he sided with the anti-mission side...
Booker T. Washington 「The Negro in the South」
...The Baptists had 18,000 Negro members in 1793...
Booker T. Washington 「The Negro in the South」
...Theseimprisoned children of God were many of them Methodists, some Baptists,and others claiming to believe in the faith of the Presbyterians andEpiscopalians...
William Wells Brown 「Clotelle: a Tale of the Southern States」
...The anti-slavery work inKentucky seemed to owe its beginning to certain "Emancipating Baptists...
Various 「The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916」
...More effective than these efforts of the Baptists was the work of theScotch-Irish...
Various 「The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916」
...Consistently with this policy many of the frontier Baptists, Scotch-Irishand Methodists continued to emphasize the education of the blacks as thecorrelative of emancipation...
Various 「The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916」
...Inthe letters which will follow this, we shall deal disinterestedly withall—shall give Churchmen, Catholics, Quakers, Independents, Baptists,Wesleyans, Ranters, and Calathumpians, fair play...
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」
...The dove was repeatedly sent out, and dry land was finally found forthe Baptists in Fishergate...
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」
...The Particular Baptists trace their originto a coterie of men and women who had an idea that their grace was ofa special type, and who met in London as far back as 1616...
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」
...The doctrinesof the Particular Baptists are of the Calvinistic hue...
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」
redoubtable computation stenographers