...Suddenly there was a clatter of poles, and twocanvass clouds flew out of sight like balloons...
W. E. Webb 「Buffalo Land」
...The criesof men selling peanuts and popcorn,squawkers and toy balloons, mingled withthe shouts of small boys and the squealsof their sisters...
Arthur Scott Bailey 「The Tale of Old Dog Spot」
...A puff dislodged us, so that we were blown a dozen feet,bringing up against a crag, as though we were balloons...
Raymond King Cummings 「Wandl the Invader」
...Thenotes made in observatories, or in balloons, admitted of theregistration of only a very small number of meteors...
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」
caffeine factors treaty