

...The Razor-billed Auk is in form similar to the Murres, but the bill is verydifferent, being deep and thin, and with the upper mandible rounded at thetip...   The Razor-billed Auk is in form similar to the Murres, but the bill is verydifferent, being deep and thin, and with the upper mandible rounded at thetipの読み方
Chester A. Reed 「The Bird Book」

...183 (BuenosAyres); Barrows, Auk, 1884, p...   183 (BuenosAyres); Barrows, Auk, 1884, pの読み方
P. L. Sclater 「Argentine Ornithology, Volume I (of 2)」

...asiatica but "slightly larger, with a much longer bill and muchpaler coloration" (Mearns, Auk...   asiatica but slightly larger, with a much longer bill and muchpaler coloration (Mearns, Aukの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...The Auk, XXVI, pp...   The Auk, XXVI, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...The Auk,XXVII, pp...   The Auk,XXVII, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...The Auk, XXIX, pp...   The Auk, XXIX, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...108-114; Auk, XXV, pp...   108-114; Auk, XXV, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

..., Auk, XXIII, 1906, pp...   , Auk, XXIII, 1906, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...The Auk, XXVIII, pp...   The Auk, XXVIII, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...The Auk, XXI, pp...   The Auk, XXI, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...The Auk, XXIII, pp...   The Auk, XXIII, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...(See also Auk,VII, 1890, pp...   (See also Auk,VII, 1890, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...Observations on Some of the Summer Birds of theMountain Portions of Pickens County, Auk, VII, pp...   Observations on Some of the Summer Birds of theMountain Portions of Pickens County, Auk, VII, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...The Auk, XIV, pp...   The Auk, XIV, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

...The Auk,XVII, pp...   The Auk,XVII, ppの読み方
Frank M. Chapman 「Color Key to North American Birds」

..."He's athrow-back to the dinosaur or the Great Auk...   Hes athrow-back to the dinosaur or the Great Aukの読み方
Albert Payson Terhune 「Bruce」

...The first ornithologist of the party publishedsome time ago (in The Auk, vol...   The first ornithologist of the party publishedsome time ago (in The Auk, volの読み方
Bradford Torrey 「The Foot-path Way」

...Brown, in The Auk, January, 1889, page 69...   Brown, in The Auk, January, 1889, page 69の読み方
Bradford Torrey 「The Foot-path Way」

...Hedevotes to it a paper in The Auk for October, 1890, to which I amhappy to refer readers who may wish a more thorough discussion of thematter than I have been able to give...   Hedevotes to it a paper in The Auk for October, 1890, to which I amhappy to refer readers who may wish a more thorough discussion of thematter than I have been able to giveの読み方
Bradford Torrey 「The Foot-path Way」

...Allen, editor of The Auk, Mr...   Allen, editor of The Auk, Mrの読み方
Various 「Birds Illustrated by Color Photography [August, 1897]」

...The Razor-bill isone of the best known of the Auk family, or Alcidæ, although lessplentiful than the Guillemot or the Puffin...   The Razor-bill isone of the best known of the Auk family, or Alcidæ, although lessplentiful than the Guillemot or the Puffinの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」



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