

...We do not know of any demandmade on the human body or mind in modern life that anatomical orethnological evidence would prove to be beyond the powers of theNegro...   We do not know of any demandmade on the human body or mind in modern life that anatomical orethnological evidence would prove to be beyond the powers of theNegroの読み方
W.E.B. Du Bois 「The Negro」

...Mathias Duval and Édouard Cuyer, ‘History of Plastic Anatomy: TheMasters, their Books, and Anatomical Figures’ (Library of Instruction of theSchool of Fine Arts), Paris, 1898...   Mathias Duval and Édouard Cuyer, ‘History of Plastic Anatomy: TheMasters, their Books, and Anatomical Figures’ (Library of Instruction of theSchool of Fine Arts), Paris, 1898の読み方
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」

...—Reproduction of a Sketch of Barye (Collections of Anatomical Museum of theSchool of Fine Arts—Huguier Museum)...   —Reproduction of a Sketch of Barye (Collections of Anatomical Museum of theSchool of Fine Arts—Huguier Museum)の読み方
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」

...—In order tomake intelligible the position of the rhomboid in the superficiallayer in quadrupeds, it appears to us necessary torecall the anatomical characters of the muscle as found inman...   —In order tomake intelligible the position of the rhomboid in the superficiallayer in quadrupeds, it appears to us necessary torecall the anatomical characters of the muscle as found inmanの読み方
Édouard Cuyer 「Artistic Anatomy of Animals」

...The principal English authorities are An Anatomical Accountof the Elephant accidentally burnt in Dublin, by A...   The principal English authorities are An Anatomical Accountof the Elephant accidentally burnt in Dublin, by Aの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

...But the comparison doesnot hold good either from an anatomical or a physiological point ofview...   But the comparison doesnot hold good either from an anatomical or a physiological point ofviewの読み方
J. Emerson Tennent 「Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon」

...Brooks, a catalogue of the anatomical and zoologicalmuseum, pt...   Brooks, a catalogue of the anatomical and zoologicalmuseum, ptの読み方
E. Raymond Hall 「A Synopsis of the North American Lagomorpha」

...The correctness of this description of their transformations I canattest, from having watched their habits during my anatomical pursuitsin the summer months...   The correctness of this description of their transformations I canattest, from having watched their habits during my anatomical pursuitsin the summer monthsの読み方
Ambrose Blacklock 「A Treatise on Sheep:」

...Simonds has had an anatomical modelconstructed, which presents a perfect type of these ulcerations, some ofwhich are of a scarlet hue, with perpendicular edges...   Simonds has had an anatomical modelconstructed, which presents a perfect type of these ulcerations, some ofwhich are of a scarlet hue, with perpendicular edgesの読み方
Honoré Bourguignon 「On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment」

...These anatomical lesions of the nervous centres being insufficient ofthemselves to explain the death at the second period, we haveendeavoured to give the explanation of it in treating of the symptoms...   These anatomical lesions of the nervous centres being insufficient ofthemselves to explain the death at the second period, we haveendeavoured to give the explanation of it in treating of the symptomsの読み方
Honoré Bourguignon 「On the cattle plague: or, Contagious typhus in horned cattle. Its history, origin, description, and treatment」

...But the fatalest institutor of proud modern anatomical and scientific art, and of all that has polluted the dignity, and darkened the charity, of the greater ages, was Antonio Pollajuolo of Florence...   But the fatalest institutor of proud modern anatomical and scientific art, and of all that has polluted the dignity, and darkened the charity, of the greater ages, was Antonio Pollajuolo of Florenceの読み方
John Ruskin 「Love's Meinie」

...Between swans, geese and ducks there islittle anatomical difference, save in thematter of size...   Between swans, geese and ducks there islittle anatomical difference, save in thematter of sizeの読み方
Frederick G. Aflalo 「Birds in the Calendar」

...You are seized with stupefaction at this anatomical fact...   You are seized with stupefaction at this      anatomical factの読み方
J. Henri Fabre Alexander Teixeira de Mattos 「The Life of the Fly」

...So remote from Man from the anatomical point of view, they are of all animals those whose psychic faculties bring them nearest to him...   So remote from Man	from the anatomical point of view, they are of all	animals those whose psychic faculties bring them	nearest to himの読み方
Frédéric Houssay 「The Industries of Animals」

...The anatomical characteristics of races are clear and easily described...   The anatomical       characteristics of races are clear and easily describedの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...The innate characters transmitted by biological heredity are either physiological, anatomical, or psychical...   The innate characters transmitted by biological heredity are    either physiological, anatomical, or psychicalの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

... The plasson of the stem-cell or cytula may, from the anatomical point of view,be regarded as homogeneous and structureless, like that of the monera...   
 The plasson of the stem-cell or cytula may, from the anatomical point of view,be regarded as homogeneous and structureless, like that of the moneraの読み方
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」



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