...The embryo floats in awatery fluid, which fills the space between the embryo and the amnion, and iscalled the amniotic fluid (Figs...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...The skin-fibre layer of the body-wall(so) is continued in the amniotic fold (am)...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...AC amniotic cavity, UV yelk-sac or umbilical vesicle, ALCallantois, al pericœlom or serocœlom (inter-amniotic cavity), szserolemma (or serous membrane), pc prochorion (with villi)...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...a amnion, ah amniotic cavity, as amnioticsheath of the umbilical cord (which passes under into the navel of theembryo—not given here), dg vitelline duct, ds yelk sac,dv, dr decidua (vera and reflexa)...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...Underneath the gullet (d) we see the aorta-end ofthe heart (ae), hh cervical cavity or head cœlom, hk topof heart, ks head-sheath, amniotic fold, h horny plate...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
...d gut-gland layer,up provertebral plates, jb rudimentary auditory vesicle in thehorny plate, hp first rise of the amniotic fold...
Ernst Haeckel 「The Evolution of Man」
frailty erection status