

...In fact the orang, joining the dog, gave unequivocal signs of agitation,and, singular to say, the two animals appeared more uneasy than angry...   In fact the orang, joining the dog, gave unequivocal signs of agitation,and, singular to say, the two animals appeared more uneasy than angryの読み方
Jules Verne William Henry Giles Kingston 「Abandoned」

..., excitement, agitation...   , excitement, agitationの読み方
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」

...The disquietude of the people of Paris, was but the nervous agitation of a city which lived placidly and became alarmed at the first hint of danger to its comfort...   The      disquietude of the people of Paris, was but the nervous agitation of a      city which lived placidly and became alarmed at the first hint of danger      to its comfortの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...Have you not noticed the agitation of the boulevard on account of the Caillaux trial? Reactionaries and revolutionists have been assaulting each other for the past three days...   Have you not      noticed the agitation of the boulevard on account of the Caillaux trial?      Reactionaries and revolutionists have been assaulting each other for the      past three daysの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

...In the centre of the city and around the stations, there was unusual agitation, but the rest of the immense city did not appear affected by the great overthrow of its existence...   In the      centre of the city and around the stations, there was unusual agitation,      but the rest of the immense city did not appear affected by the great      overthrow of its existenceの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

... This explained the agitation of the Germans...         This explained the agitation of the Germansの読み方
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」

... Aline sprang up, alarmed by her uncle’s agitation...         Aline sprang up, alarmed by her uncle’s agitationの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

... Though in all the circumstances it was no more than his due, yet the kindliness that in such a moment of agitation could take thought for another was presently to be rewarded...         Though in all the circumstances it was no more than his due, yet the      kindliness that in such a moment of agitation could take thought for      another was presently to be rewardedの読み方
Rafael Sabatini 「Scaramouche」

...Very fortunately, his horse, which was slightly restive, enabled him by a sudden plunge to conceal his agitation...   Very fortunately, his horse, which was      slightly restive, enabled him by a sudden plunge to conceal his agitationの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Ten Years Later」

... The king read it in a great agitation...         The king read it in a great agitationの読み方
Alexandre Dumas, Pere 「Louise de la Valliere」

...The wild revolt ofdespised slaves, the rise of a noble black leader, and the birthof a new nation of Negro freemen frightened the pro-slaveryadvocates and armed the anti-slavery agitation...   The wild revolt ofdespised slaves, the rise of a noble black leader, and the birthof a new nation of Negro freemen frightened the pro-slaveryadvocates and armed the anti-slavery agitationの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」

...Having passed the Susquehanna into Maryland, he began to experience great agitation of mind...   Having            passed the Susquehanna into Maryland, he began to experience            great agitation of mindの読み方
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」

... On the first agitation of this business, Mr...               On the first agitation of this business, Mrの読み方
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」

... Of the immense advantages of this contest I know not how to speak; indeed, the very agitation of the question which it involved has been highly important...               Of the immense advantages of this contest I know not how to            speak; indeed, the very agitation of the question which it involved            has been highly importantの読み方
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」



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