...Abovethis aggregation, as over others, hung a lettered sign...
Albert Payson Terhune 「His Dog」
...Anoplura: wingless species without metamorphosis,habits epizoötic, thoracic segments similarly developed: acomposite aggregation which includes both the biting and suckinglice...
John. B. Smith 「Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology」
...During the evening ofJune1, for instance, some 75 Caribou in a loose aggregation werefeeding over the summit of Josie’s Hill, beyond the junction of Windyand South bays...
Francis Harper 「The Barren Ground Caribou of Keewatin」
...But the others were black, brown,yellow—all the motley aggregation of races that formed the Redcohorts, the backbone of the Great Uprising...
Various 「Astounding Stories, May, 1931」
...Wherever there is asmall aggregation of these minute markings, an impression will be givenof a circular spot, or, to use Prof...
E. Walter Maunder 「Are the Planets Inhabited?」
...” Ifthe aggregation be greater still and more extended, we shall have a shadedarea—a “sea...
E. Walter Maunder 「Are the Planets Inhabited?」
...This stupendous aggregation of suns testifies to themagnificence of the starry heavens, and to the omnipotence of theCreator...
Thomas Orchard 「The Astronomy of Milton's 'Paradise Lost'」
...To the smallest telescope this aggregation ofstars, ranging in magnitude from six and a half to fourteen,and grouped about two neighboring centers, presentsa marvelous appearance...
Garrett Serviss 「Pleasures of the telescope」
... To be impious, and irrational, at the same time, is to make, by the aggregation of discrepant qualities, a mere chimera of the God we adore...
Paul Henri Thiery (Baron D'Holbach) Samuel Wilkinson 「The System of Nature, Volume 2」
...We have already referred to this glorious aggregation ofstars as one of the three especially interesting objects in the heavens...
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」
...The stars are certainly not uniformly distributed, and any generaltheory of the sidereal system must take into account the varied tendencyto aggregation in various parts of the sky...
Edward Singleton Holden 「Sir William Herschel: His Life and Works」
limp stitching prowlers