

...The second to be split may adjoin the first or it may be removed from it by a number of spaces, either above or below...   The second to be split may adjoin the first or it may be      removed from it by a number of spaces, either above or belowの読み方
J. Henri Fabre 「Bramble-bees and Others」

...maniculatus is found more frequently in pinyon-juniper woodland whenthe population density is high, and when such woodlands adjoin grasslands orsagebrush areas...   maniculatus is found more frequently in pinyon-juniper woodland whenthe population density is high, and when such woodlands adjoin grasslands orsagebrush areasの読み方
Charles L. Douglas 「Comparative Ecology of Pinyon Mice and Deer Mice in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...Steep hills and narrow valleys adjoin nearly every city in the land...   Steep hills and narrow valleys    adjoin nearly every city in the landの読み方
Sidney L. Gulick 「Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic」

...The treasury, prison, and senate house ought to adjoin the forum, butin such a way that their dimensions may be proportionate to those of theforum...   The treasury, prison, and senate house ought to adjoin the forum, butin such a way that their dimensions may be proportionate to those of theforumの読み方
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」

...The Laconicum and other sweating baths must adjoin the tepid room,and their height to the bottom of the curved dome should be equal totheir width...   The Laconicum and other sweating baths must adjoin the tepid room,and their height to the bottom of the curved dome should be equal totheir widthの読み方
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」

...Bathrooms, also, should adjoin the kitchen; for in this situation itwill not take long to get ready a bath in the country...   Bathrooms, also, should adjoin the kitchen; for in this situation itwill not take long to get ready a bath in the countryの読み方
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」

...It should, if possible, adjoin the kitchen garden, forconvenience of access; as fruit is, or should be, an important item inthe daily consumption of every family where it can be grown andafforded...   It should, if possible, adjoin the kitchen garden, forconvenience of access; as fruit is, or should be, an important item inthe daily consumption of every family where it can be grown andaffordedの読み方
Lewis Falley Allen 「Rural Architecture」

...Day and Sundayschools adjoin the Church...   Day and Sundayschools adjoin the Churchの読み方
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」

...The schools which adjoin are attended,during week days, by upwards of 220 scholars; and on Sundays the attendance,including the various classes, with their teachers, &c...   The schools which adjoin are attended,during week days, by upwards of 220 scholars; and on Sundays the attendance,including the various classes, with their teachers, &cの読み方
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」

...The penumbra of a spot is often found to be madeup of filaments directed towards the middle of the spot, and generallybrighter at their inner ends, where they adjoin the nucleus...   The penumbra of a spot is often found to be madeup of filaments directed towards the middle of the spot, and generallybrighter at their inner ends, where they adjoin the nucleusの読み方
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」

...The inner boundary of thisthird and last ring does not adjoin the planet, but is everywhereseparated from it by a definite space...   The inner boundary of thisthird and last ring does not adjoin the planet, but is everywhereseparated from it by a definite spaceの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」

...Of the other southern constellations, two call for especial notice, andthese adjoin each other...   Of the other southern constellations, two call for especial notice, andthese adjoin each otherの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」



colonials   egrets   genotypes  



時事ニュース漢字 📺
王将戦   不適任   二極化  

