...WhenNapoleon abdicated and was exiled to Elba, Ney supported the governmentof his successor and enemy, Louis XVIII...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
...The next year he abdicated and retired to Elba...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
...In 1556 he abdicated the government of the former in favor of his sonPhilip II, and of the latter in favor of his brother Ferdinand I...
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer 「Legends, Tales and Poems」
...Only a few months before had she abdicated a part of this sweet selfishness, sacrificing reunions, teas, and calls in order to give Desnoyers some of the afternoon hours...
Vicente Blasco Ibanez Charlotte Brewster Jordan 「The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse」
...But they were mightily surprised tohear he had abdicated his government, before they had an accountof his coming away...
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 「The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha」
...His uncle, a sensible man, ransomed him; and, having collected a number of families together, abdicated the chieftainship in favor of his nephew...
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」
...He found that the princess had abdicated in favour of her brother Sekeletu, who received him with the greatest cordiality...
W.H.G. Kingston 「Great African Travellers」
...I dare to affirm that it has abdicated its sovereignty...
P. J. Proudhon 「What is Property?」
...Hence, when the great King Cormac MacArt lost one eye by an accident, he at once abdicated...
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」
...In the monthof Méac (February) the king of Cambodia annually abdicated forthree days...
Sir James George Frazer 「The Golden Bough」
spurting Tioga characteristics