

..." Livingstone, mindful, perhaps, of the ill success of his worthy father in the matter of Wilberforce on "Practical Christianity", did not favor the proposed line of argument...    Livingstone, mindful, perhaps,      of the ill success of his worthy father in the matter of Wilberforce on      Practical Christianity, did not favor the proposed line of argumentの読み方
David Livingstone 「Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa」

... That our acknowledgments are particularly due to William Wilberforce, Esq...               That our acknowledgments are particularly due to William            Wilberforce, Esqの読み方
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」

...I went to Wilberforce with high ideals...   I went to Wilberforce with high idealsの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「Darkwater」

... Notwithstanding these omens, I turned my steps toward Wilberforce...         Notwithstanding these omens, I turned my steps toward Wilberforceの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

... The road from London to Wilberforce led through a swamp, known as "McConnell's Dismal Swamp," and it was indeed, one of the most dreary places in all that section of country...         The road from London to Wilberforce led through a swamp, known as      McConnells Dismal Swamp, and it was indeed, one of the most dreary      places in all that section of countryの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

... Three of the leading characters of the Wilberforce colony are now dead...         Three of the leading characters of the Wilberforce colony are now deadの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

...Benjamin Paul, lies in the silent grave-yard in Wilberforce, C...   Benjamin Paul, lies in the silent grave-yard in Wilberforce, Cの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

...The office was accepted, and Lewis became the founder of the Wilberforce colony...   The office was accepted, and Lewis      became the founder of the Wilberforce colonyの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

... On the nineteenth day of January, 1837, I left Wilberforce, passing through Brantford, Hamilton, Queenston, Lewiston, and from thence to Rochester...         On the nineteenth day of January, 1837, I left Wilberforce, passing      through Brantford, Hamilton, Queenston, Lewiston, and from thence to      Rochesterの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

... Dear Sir:—In a recent examination of the business transactions between the Board of Managers of the Wilberforce Colony, and their agent Rev...         Dear Sir:—In a recent examination of the business transactions      between the Board of Managers of the Wilberforce Colony, and their agent      Revの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

... Stover), that the Canada Company actually refuses to sell land to colored persons; and that they are anxious to buy out the colored settlers at Wilberforce...        Stover), that the Canada Company actually refuses to sell land to colored      persons; and that they are anxious to buy out the colored settlers at      Wilberforceの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

... Wilberforce, U...         Wilberforce, Uの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

... Wilberforce, Dec...         Wilberforce, Decの読み方
Austin Steward 「Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman」

...Cape Wilberforce, and Bromby's Isles...   Cape Wilberforce, and Brombys Islesの読み方
Matthew Flinders 「A Voyage to Terra Australis」



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