

...Itsprincipal stars can be recognized inside the triangle formed by thePole-Star, Arcturus, and Vega...   Itsprincipal stars can be recognized inside the triangle formed by thePole-Star, Arcturus, and Vegaの読み方
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」

...Half of his stars belonged to the first class,including Sirius, Vega, Regulus, Altair...   Half of his stars belonged to the first class,including Sirius, Vega, Regulus, Altairの読み方
George Forbes 「History of Astronomy」

...—Deneb, the brightest star in Cygnus, is at the top of thecross, and a little over 20° east of Vega...   —Deneb, the brightest star in Cygnus, is at the top of thecross, and a little over 20° east of Vegaの読み方
William Tyler Olcott 「A Field Book of the Stars」

...It forms with Vega and Deneb anisosceles triangle...   It forms with Vega and Deneb anisosceles triangleの読み方
William Tyler Olcott 「A Field Book of the Stars」

...But it should not be inferred from this that Vega is drawing us on; it is too distant for its gravitation to have such an effect...   But it should not    be inferred from this that Vega is drawing us on; it is too    distant for its gravitation to have such an effectの読み方
Garrett Serviss 「Curiosities of the Sky」

...The first magnitude star, Vega, in the constellation of the Lyre, canbe readily found at the corner of a bold triangle, of which the PoleStar and Arcturus form the base (Fig...   The first magnitude star, Vega, in the constellation of the Lyre, canbe readily found at the corner of a bold triangle, of which the PoleStar and Arcturus form the base (Figの読み方
Robert Stawell Ball 「The Story of the Heavens」

...Sirius and Vega are both approaching our systemat a rate of about 10 miles per second, Arcturus at about 5 miles persecond, while Capella is receding from us at about 15 miles per second...   Sirius and Vega are both approaching our systemat a rate of about 10 miles per second, Arcturus at about 5 miles persecond, while Capella is receding from us at about 15 miles per secondの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」

... Vega, for instance, shines one hundred times more brightlythan the sun would do, were it to be removed to the distance at whichthat star is from us...    Vega, for instance, shines one hundred times more brightlythan the sun would do, were it to be removed to the distance at whichthat star is from usの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」

...In the following year β Lyræ, the starin Lyra next in order of brightness after Vega, was also found by thesame observer to be a variable...   In the following year β Lyræ, the starin Lyra next in order of brightness after Vega, was also found by thesame observer to be a variableの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」

...Sirius, for example, the brightest ofthe fixed stars, is of the -1 magnitude, and such stars asArcturus and Vega are of the 0 magnitude...   Sirius, for example, the brightest ofthe fixed stars, is of the -1 magnitude, and such stars asArcturus and Vega are of the 0 magnitudeの読み方
George C. Comstock 「A Text-Book of Astronomy」

...That it is moving along a straight line pointingtoward Vega, and that at least a part of the velocitieswhich the spectroscope shows in the line of sight, comesfrom the motion of the sun and earth...   That it is moving along a straight line pointingtoward Vega, and that at least a part of the velocitieswhich the spectroscope shows in the line of sight, comesfrom the motion of the sun and earthの読み方
George C. Comstock 「A Text-Book of Astronomy」

...Its precedenceover its rivals Vega and Capella, long in dispute,has been settled by the Harvard photometry...   Its precedenceover its rivals Vega and Capella, long in dispute,has been settled by the Harvard photometryの読み方
Garrett Serviss 「Pleasures of the telescope」

...We resume our celestial explorations with the littleconstellation Lyra, whose chief star, Vega (α), has a verygood claim to be regarded as the most beautiful in thesky...   We resume our celestial explorations with the littleconstellation Lyra, whose chief star, Vega (α), has a verygood claim to be regarded as the most beautiful in theskyの読み方
Garrett Serviss 「Pleasures of the telescope」

...If a straight line could be drawn from a star,Sirius in the east to the star Vega in the west, touching ourearth's orbit on one side, as T R A (Fig...   If a straight line could be drawn from a star,Sirius in the east to the star Vega in the west, touching ourearths orbit on one side, as T R A (Figの読み方
Henry Warren 「Recreations in Astronomy」

...Hereare the white Vega of the Lyre, the burning Arcturus, the seven stars ofthe Great Bear, a whole sidereal population catching fire, likeinnumerable eyes that open on the Infinite...   Hereare the white Vega of the Lyre, the burning Arcturus, the seven stars ofthe Great Bear, a whole sidereal population catching fire, likeinnumerable eyes that open on the Infiniteの読み方
Camille Flammarion Frances A. Welby 「Astronomy for Amateurs」



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