

... Spalding Club Misc...    Spalding Club Miscの読み方
Margaret Alice Murray 「The Witch-cult in Western Europe」

...Port Lincoln is certainly a fine harbour; and it is much to be regretted that it possesses no constant run of fresh water, unless it should be in Spalding Cove, which we did not examine...   Port Lincoln is certainly a fine harbour; and it is much to be regretted that it possesses no constant run of fresh water, unless it should be in Spalding Cove, which we did not examineの読み方
Matthew Flinders 「A Voyage to Terra Australis」

...Evans, the acting master, was sent to sound across the entrance of Spalding Cove, and between Bicker Isles and Surfleet Point, where a small ship-passage was found...   Evans, the acting master, was sent to sound across the entrance of Spalding Cove, and between Bicker Isles and Surfleet Point, where a small ship-passage was foundの読み方
Matthew Flinders 「A Voyage to Terra Australis」



inventors   terrifically   problems  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
備蓄米   超新星爆発   縁起物  

