

...Joseph Sidney...   Joseph Sidneyの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」

...Coulthurst, of Sidney College, Cambridge; R...   Coulthurst, of Sidney            College, Cambridge; Rの読み方
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」

...The whole expedition lived on travel rationsfrom before the time we left Cape Sheridan until we had reached Sidney,N...   The whole expedition lived on travel rationsfrom before the time we left Cape Sheridan until we had reached Sidney,Nの読み方
Matthew A. Henson 「A Negro Explorer at the North Pole」

...“The Breath of the Gods,” Sidney McCall,Little, Brown...   “The Breath of the Gods,” Sidney McCall,Little, Brownの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 2, September, 1905」

...“The Breath of the Gods,” Sidney McCall...   “The Breath of the Gods,” Sidney McCallの読み方
Various 「Ainslee's magazine, Volume 16, No. 3, October, 1905」

...The first was taken by Sir Sidney Saunders at Chewton, Hants, on the twelfth of August, 1879; this was a male; the second, a female, was taken by Mr...   The first was taken by Sir Sidney Saunders  at Chewton, Hants, on the twelfth of August, 1879; this was a male; the  second, a female, was taken by Mrの読み方
Edward Saunders 「Wild Bees, Wasps and Ants」

...In the customary little tentthe living skeleton embodied Sidney Smith's wishand sat cooling in his bones, while the learned pigand monkey danced to the melodious accompanimentof the hand-organ...   In the customary little tentthe living skeleton embodied Sidney Smiths wishand sat cooling in his bones, while the learned pigand monkey danced to the melodious accompanimentof the hand-organの読み方
W. E. Webb 「Buffalo Land」

... SirPhilip Sidney referred to this sport on the Wiltshire Downs in one ofhis poems...    SirPhilip Sidney referred to this sport on the Wiltshire Downs in one ofhis poemsの読み方
Edward Jesse 「Anecdotes of Dogs」

..., Sidney,Maine...   , Sidney,Maineの読み方
Various 「Herd Record of the Association of Breeders of Thorough-Bred Neat Stock」

...This was Sidney S...   This was Sidney Sの読み方
Various 「The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916」

...Prepared by Sidney H...   Prepared by Sidney Hの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

...By Sidney H...   By Sidney Hの読み方
Robert W. Williamson 「The Mafulu」

..."England, Netherlands, the Heavens and the Arts,The Soldiers, and the World, have made six partsOf noble Sidney; for none will supposeThat a small heap of stones can Sidney enclose...   England, Netherlands, the Heavens and the Arts,The Soldiers, and the World, have made six partsOf noble Sidney; for none will supposeThat a small heap of stones can Sidney encloseの読み方
William Benham 「Old St. Paul's Cathedral」

...At the Mermaid with Raleighand with Sidney, and at a thousand unnamed Englishfiresides, he found the living originals for hisPrince Hals, his Orlandos, his Antonios, his Portias,his Isabellas...   At the Mermaid with Raleighand with Sidney, and at a thousand unnamed Englishfiresides, he found the living originals for hisPrince Hals, his Orlandos, his Antonios, his Portias,his Isabellasの読み方
John W. Beatty 「The Relation of Art to Nature」

...Some Account of Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland,her Family and Friends...   Some Account of Dorothy Sidney, Countess of Sunderland,her Family and Friendsの読み方
Cecil G. Dolmage 「Astronomy of To-day」

...Inhabits New Holland, Sidney...   Inhabits New Holland, Sidneyの読み方
George Grey 「Journals Of Two Expeditions Of Discovery In North-West And Western Australia, Vol. 2 (of 2)」



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