...The prayers and entreaties of Parysatis saved the young man's life, andhe was even permitted to return to Sardis and resume his power...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
...When all was ready, Cyrus set out from Sardis on his memorable march inthe spring of 401...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
...They had now come 93 days' march from Ephesus, or 90 from Sardis...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
...Thedistance from Sardis to Kunaxa is 1464 miles...
George Grote 「The Two Great Retreats of History」
...The twelfth satrapy, known as the satrapyof Sardis, or of Lydia...
Various 「The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1」
...Then there is the house of Croesus which the people of Sardis haveset apart as a place of repose for their fellow-citizens in theretirement of age,—a "Gerousia" for the guild of the elder men...
Vitruvius 「Ten Books on Architecture」
...The principal achievement of the allied Greciansduring this war was the burning of Sardis, the capital of the oldLydian monarchy...
Marcius Willson 「Mosaics of Grecian History」
..."Lingering at Sardis," saysBULWER, "Xerxes beheld the scanty and exhausted remnants of hismighty force, the fugitives of the fatal days of Mycale andPlatæa...
Marcius Willson 「Mosaics of Grecian History」
...With these forces Cyrus marched from Sardis, inthe spring of 401, to within seventy miles of Babylon without theleast opposition...
Marcius Willson 「Mosaics of Grecian History」
...Xerxes at Sardis...
Marcius Willson 「Mosaics of Grecian History」
...Though not total at Sardis yet theeclipse was very large, ⁄ths of the Sun beingcovered...
George Chambers 「The Story of Eclipses」