

...Though numerous in the winter at Newmarket Heathand Royston (where they are sometimes called Royston Crows),and annually resorting to many parts of the sea-coast, they rarelybreed so far south...   Though numerous in the winter at Newmarket Heathand Royston (where they are sometimes called Royston Crows),and annually resorting to many parts of the sea-coast, they rarelybreed so far southの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...It is found on the plainsnear Newmarket and Royston, and elsewhere on heaths and plains...   It is found on the plainsnear Newmarket and Royston, and elsewhere on heaths and plainsの読み方
Rev. C. A. Johns 「British Birds in their Haunts」

...Playford says, "Travelling some years since, I met, on the road near Royston, a herd of about twenty bucks, following a bagpipe and violin...   Playford says, Travelling some years since, I met, on the road near Royston, a herd of about twenty bucks, following a bagpipe and violinの読み方
Samuel Griswold Goodrich 「Illustrative Anecdotes of the Animal Kingdom」



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