

...Sir Hercules Robinson was still at Pretoria, conferring with the President, who, it was opined, was playing with him, as nothing either regarding the fate of Dr...   Sir Hercules  Robinson was still at Pretoria, conferring with the President,  who, it was opined, was playing with him, as nothing either  regarding the fate of Drの読み方
Lady Sarah Wilson 「South African Memories」

...Races—A night on shore—Farewell to Liberia—Reminiscence of Robinson Crusoe...   Races—A night on shore—Farewell to Liberia—Reminiscence      of Robinson Crusoeの読み方
Horatio Bridge 「Journal of an African Cruiser」

... Miles Robinson was the slave of Mrs...               Miles Robinson was the slave of Mrsの読み方
William Still 「The Underground Railroad」

...Luring little birds within striking distance by imitatingtheir call notes, they pounce upon a terror-stricken sparrow beforeyou could say "Jack Robinson...   Luring little birds within striking distance by imitatingtheir call notes, they pounce upon a terror-stricken sparrow beforeyou could say Jack Robinsonの読み方
Neltje Blanchan 「Birds Every Child Should Know」

...Charles Robinson who wasthe first governor of Kansas, described in her diary the environs ofLawrence (1899)...   Charles Robinson who wasthe first governor of Kansas, described in her diary the environs ofLawrence (1899)の読み方
Henry S. Fitch 「The Forest Habitat of the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation」

...Government maps of northeastern Kansas show thedistribution of forest in the late eighteen fifties, and in generalthe pattern agrees well with that indicated by the accounts of Parksand Robinson...   Government maps of northeastern Kansas show thedistribution of forest in the late eighteen fifties, and in generalthe pattern agrees well with that indicated by the accounts of Parksand Robinsonの読み方
Henry S. Fitch 「The Forest Habitat of the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation」

...I only got three, and at night Robinson returned with onlysix, the remainder had been missed in the dense scrubs...   I only got three, and at night Robinson returned with onlysix, the remainder had been missed in the dense scrubsの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」

...Carmichaelto another hill two or three miles away, that we had passed, but notinspected yesterday, to search for water, while Robinson and I lookedfor the missing horses...   Carmichaelto another hill two or three miles away, that we had passed, but notinspected yesterday, to search for water, while Robinson and I lookedfor the missing horsesの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」

...I took it for granted when Carmichael toldme of their absence that they were absent, but he and Robinson were bothmistaken...   I took it for granted when Carmichael toldme of their absence that they were absent, but he and Robinson were bothmistakenの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」

...Carmichael and I packed up the horses, while Robinson was awayupon his unpleasant mission...   Carmichael and I packed up the horses, while Robinson was awayupon his unpleasant missionの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」

...I directed Carmichael and Robinson to avoid the stones as much aspossible, while I rode over to see whether there was a creek or anyother place where water might be procured...   I directed Carmichael and Robinson to avoid the stones as much aspossible, while I rode over to see whether there was a creek or anyother place where water might be procuredの読み方
Ernest Giles 「Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration」



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