

...The tyrant that besiegeth her and wasteth her lands iscalled the Red Knight of the Redlands...   The tyrant that besiegeth her and wasteth her lands iscalled the Red Knight of the Redlandsの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

..."Fair damsel," said he, "whither lead ye this knight?" "Sir,"answered she, "to the Castle Dangerous, where my sister is besieged bythe Knight of the Redlands...   Fair damsel, said he, whither lead ye this knight? Sir,answered she, to the Castle Dangerous, where my sister is besieged bythe Knight of the Redlandsの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...Andas the dwarf returned, he met the Knight of the Redlands, who asked himwhence he came...   Andas the dwarf returned, he met the Knight of the Redlands, who asked himwhence he cameの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...Then called the Knight of the Redlands to Sir Beaumains, "Leavenow thy gazing, Sir knight, and turn to me, for I warn thee that lady ismine...   Then called the Knight of the Redlands to Sir Beaumains, Leavenow thy gazing, Sir knight, and turn to me, for I warn thee that lady ismineの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

..." "Sir knight, defendthyself," said the Knight of the Redlands, "for we will talk no longer...    Sir knight, defendthyself, said the Knight of the Redlands, for we will talk no longerの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...And all men said the strange knight wasa strong man, and a noble jouster, for none had ever yet so matched theKnight of the Redlands...   And all men said the strange knight wasa strong man, and a noble jouster, for none had ever yet so matched theKnight of the Redlandsの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...And when he saw thesweetness of her smiling, all his heart was light and joyful, andstarting up, he bade the Knight of the Redlands make ready...   And when he saw thesweetness of her smiling, all his heart was light and joyful, andstarting up, he bade the Knight of the Redlands make readyの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...And at the last, the Knight of the Redlands with asudden stroke smote Sir Beaumains on the hand, so that his sword fellfrom it, and with a second stroke upon the helm he drove him to theearth...   And at the last, the Knight of the Redlands with asudden stroke smote Sir Beaumains on the hand, so that his sword fellfrom it, and with a second stroke upon the helm he drove him to theearthの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...Then Sir Beaumains unlaced his helm, and would have straightway slainhim, but the Knight of the Redlands yielded, and prayed for mercy...   Then Sir Beaumains unlaced his helm, and would have straightway slainhim, but the Knight of the Redlands yielded, and prayed for mercyの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...And when theKnight of the Redlands had made amends for all his trespasses, hedeparted for the court...   And when theKnight of the Redlands had made amends for all his trespasses, hedeparted for the courtの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

...And as they yet were talking, it wastold the king there came another great lord with five hundred knights,who, entering in, did homage, and declared himself to be the Knight ofthe Redlands...   And as they yet were talking, it wastold the king there came another great lord with five hundred knights,who, entering in, did homage, and declared himself to be the Knight ofthe Redlandsの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」

..."Then the Knight of the Redlands knelt to the king, and told him of hispromise to Sir Beaumains to use never more such shameful customs; andhow he had so done but at the prayer of a lady whom he loved...   Then the Knight of the Redlands knelt to the king, and told him of hispromise to Sir Beaumains to use never more such shameful customs; andhow he had so done but at the prayer of a lady whom he lovedの読み方
Unknown 「King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table」



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