

...—The sandy deserts west of the Jumna and Hurriana; also inAfghanistan according to Horsfield's Catalogue, and probably inRajpootana, Sindh, and the Punjab...   —The sandy deserts west of the Jumna and Hurriana; also inAfghanistan according to Horsfields Catalogue, and probably inRajpootana, Sindh, and the Punjabの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...musculus" (orurbanus), stated to be the common house mouse of the Himalayan hillstations from the Punjab to Darjeeling...   musculus (orurbanus), stated to be the common house mouse of the Himalayan hillstations from the Punjab to Darjeelingの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

... The Punjab Wild Sheep (Jerdon's No...   

The Punjab Wild Sheep (Jerdons Noの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...I agree with Jerdonthat there must be some mistake about 18-inch horns recorded fromthe Punjab...   I agree with Jerdonthat there must be some mistake about 18-inch horns recorded fromthe Punjabの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...It aboundsin the Central provinces, and I have found it in parts of the Punjab,and it is common throughout the North-west...   It aboundsin the Central provinces, and I have found it in parts of the Punjab,and it is common throughout the North-westの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...—Sind, Punjab frontier...   —Sind, Punjab frontierの読み方
Robert A. Sterndale 「Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon」

...Oats are now largely grown over the Punjab, Northern India, and inTirhoot, and are sold at nearly the same price as barley...   Oats are now largely grown over the Punjab, Northern India, and inTirhoot, and are sold at nearly the same price as barleyの読み方
Joshua A. Nunn 「Notes on Stable Management in India and the Colonies」

...The ordinary white turnip grows all over the Punjab in the winter, andwhen carrots are not to be procured, I have used them in their place,preparing them in the same manner...   The ordinary white turnip grows all over the Punjab in the winter, andwhen carrots are not to be procured, I have used them in their place,preparing them in the same mannerの読み方
Joshua A. Nunn 「Notes on Stable Management in India and the Colonies」

...The bracing climate of the Punjab attracts some cold-lovingspecies for which the milder United Provinces have no charms...   The bracing climate of the Punjab attracts some cold-lovingspecies for which the milder United Provinces have no charmsの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...The nesting season of this ferocious pigmy extendsfrom January to May, reaching its height during March in theUnited Provinces and during April in the Punjab...   The nesting season of this ferocious pigmy extendsfrom January to May, reaching its height during March in theUnited Provinces and during April in the Punjabの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...The range ofthis fine bird in the plains of India is confined to theNorth-West Frontier Province Sind, and the Punjab...   The range ofthis fine bird in the plains of India is confined to theNorth-West Frontier Province Sind, and the Punjabの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...In the western sub-Himalayan tracts,as in the Punjab, the weather still leaves little to be desired...   In the western sub-Himalayan tracts,as in the Punjab, the weather still leaves little to be desiredの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...The return of these and the othermigrant species to the Punjab in March is as marked a phenomenonas is the arrival of the swallow and the cuckoo in England inspring...   The return of these and the othermigrant species to the Punjab in March is as marked a phenomenonas is the arrival of the swallow and the cuckoo in England inspringの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...It may be noted, in passing, that this cuckoodoes not extend far into the Punjab...   It may be noted, in passing, that this cuckoodoes not extend far into the Punjabの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...This bird isoccasionally heard in the plains of the Punjab in April, andagain from July to September, when it no longer calls in theHimalayas...   This bird isoccasionally heard in the plains of the Punjab in April, andagain from July to September, when it no longer calls in theHimalayasの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...The koel extendsinto the Punjab and is heard throughout Northern India...   The koel extendsinto the Punjab and is heard throughout Northern Indiaの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...Theselast are replaced by black-headed orioles in the UnitedProvinces, but not in the Punjab...   Theselast are replaced by black-headed orioles in the UnitedProvinces, but not in the Punjabの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...The merlins come only into the Punjab, but most ofthe other raptores spread over the whole of India...   The merlins come only into the Punjab, but most ofthe other raptores spread over the whole of Indiaの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」

...In the Punjab many ravens build their nests during the presentmonth...   In the Punjab many ravens build their nests during the presentmonthの読み方
Douglas Dewar 「A Bird Calendar for Northern India」



injure   Archie   Rockledge  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
二十歳   当日券   不活発  

