

...I remember, as we passed along, every white man we met was yelling, "Hurrah for Polk and Dallas!" They were feeling good, for election had given them the men that they wanted...   I remember, as we      passed along, every white man we met was yelling, Hurrah for Polk and      Dallas! They were feeling good, for election had given them the men that      they wantedの読み方
Louis Hughes 「Thirty Years a Slave」

...Minnesota (Swanson, Surberand Roberts, 1945:97): Polk County; Otter Tail County; Sherburne County:Washington County...   Minnesota (Swanson, Surberand Roberts, 1945:97): Polk County; Otter Tail County; Sherburne County:Washington Countyの読み方
E. Raymond Hall 「A Synopsis of the North American Lagomorpha」

...The small boy said, “You’re a coward an’ a fool, Billy Polk...   The small boy said, “You’re a coward an’ a fool, Billy Polkの読み方
Elinore Pruitt Stewart 「Letters on an Elk Hunt」

...Their stations were: Big Blue River at Stromsburg, Polk Co...   Their stations were: Big Blue River at Stromsburg, Polk Coの読み方
W. L. Minckley 「Fishes of the Big Blue River Basin, Kansas」

...The invasion by Polk in September produced great excitement...   The invasion by Polk in September produced great excitementの読み方
Various 「The Journal of Negro History, Vol. I. Jan. 1916」

...Alphabetically arranged from materials collectedat Dayton, Polk County, Oregon, in November, 1877...   Alphabetically arranged from materials collectedat Dayton, Polk County, Oregon, in November, 1877の読み方
James Constantine Pilling 「Catalogue Of Linguistic Manuscripts In The Library Of The Bureau Of Ethnology. (1881 N 01 / 1879-1880 (Pages 553-578))」

...The first is a very neatly wovendiagonal from the ancient pottery of Polk county, Tennessee...   The first is a very neatly wovendiagonal from the ancient pottery of Polk county, Tennesseeの読み方
William Henry Holmes 「Prehistoric Textile Art of Eastern United States」

...An example of thesimplest form, obtained from a small fragment ofpottery found in Polk county, Tennessee, is shown in figure 16...   An example of thesimplest  form, obtained from a small fragment ofpottery found in Polk county, Tennessee, is shown in figure 16の読み方
William Henry Holmes 「Prehistoric Textile Art of Eastern United States」

...This example, which was obtained from a small fragment ofpottery found in Polk County, Tennessee, may be taken as a type...   This example, which was obtained from a small fragment ofpottery found in Polk County, Tennessee, may be taken as a typeの読み方
William Henry Holmes 「Prehistoric Textile Fabrics Of The United States, Derived From Impressions On Pottery」



tempestuous   cane   Dorchester  


時事ニュース漢字 📺
備蓄米   超新星爆発   白雪姫  

