

...Robert Norris...   Robert Norrisの読み方
W. E. B. Du Bois 「The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America」

... Norris on this ground was the most frightful...              Norris on this ground was the most frightfulの読み方
Thomas Clarkson 「The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the」

...In 1911 Governor Norris, Senator Cone and the legislature ofMontana, at the solicitation of W...   In 1911 Governor Norris, Senator Cone and the legislature ofMontana, at the solicitation of Wの読み方
William T. Hornaday 「Our Vanishing Wild Life」

...Next came Major Norris...   Next came Major Norrisの読み方
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」

...That broke out along themain road, about a mile north of Norris, inJuly, 1893...   That broke out along themain road, about a mile north of Norris, inJuly, 1893の読み方
Various 「Hunting in Many Lands」

...Nelson, Steven Norris, Dan Michener, P...   Nelson, Steven Norris, Dan Michener, Pの読み方
Richard F. Johnston 「The Breeding Birds of Kansas」

...Zweifel and Norris (1955:233)reported anoles with pink throat-fans from southern Sonora; possiblythose specimens are A...   Zweifel and Norris (1955:233)reported anoles with pink throat-fans from southern Sonora; possiblythose specimens are Aの読み方
William E. Duellman 「The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México」

...Masticophis striolatus striolatus, Zweifel and Norris,Amer...   Masticophis striolatus striolatus, Zweifel and Norris,Amerの読み方
William E. Duellman 「The Amphibians and Reptiles of Michoacán, México」

...Gehlbach (1956:366) and Norris and Zweifel (1950:2) observedindividuals of T...   Gehlbach (1956:366) and Norris and Zweifel (1950:2) observedindividuals of Tの読み方
John M. Legler 「Natural History of the Ornate Box Turtle, Terrapene ornata ornata Agassiz」

...Harris, Thaddeus Norris, Genio C...   Harris, Thaddeus Norris, Genio Cの読み方
Charles Bradford 「The Determined Angler and the Brook Trout」

...Father Norris, who, in conjunctionwith the Rev...   Father Norris, who, in conjunctionwith the Revの読み方
Atticus 「Our Churches and Chapels」

..."Good God!" exclaimed Secretary Norris, of the War Department, andslumped in his chair...   Good God! exclaimed Secretary Norris, of the War Department, andslumped in his chairの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, October, 1930」

...It was Secretary Norris spoke...   It was Secretary Norris spokeの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, October, 1930」

..."Everything depends upon the outcome of the next forty-eight hours,and everything depends on you, Rennell," said Secretary Norris toDick, as he stood beside his plane...   Everything depends upon the outcome of the next forty-eight hours,and everything depends on you, Rennell, said Secretary Norris toDick, as he stood beside his planeの読み方
Various 「Astounding Stories of Super-Science, October, 1930」



topeka   chock   shaping  



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