

...,1849, 3d Sire, Jock the Laird 2d, bred by Andrew McGregor,Damhead, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Dam, Ceres, imported byThomas Davidson, St...   ,1849, 3d Sire, Jock the Laird 2d, bred by Andrew McGregor,Damhead, Kilmarnock, Scotland, Dam, Ceres, imported byThomas Davidson, Stの読み方
Various 「Herd Record of the Association of Breeders of Thorough-Bred Neat Stock」

..., 2d Sire, McGregor, imported by Trustees ofthe Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture,Dam, Jenny Deans 2d, by McDuff, imported by Peter Lawson,Dracut, Mass...   , 2d Sire, McGregor, imported by Trustees ofthe Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture,Dam, Jenny Deans 2d, by McDuff, imported by Peter Lawson,Dracut, Massの読み方
Various 「Herd Record of the Association of Breeders of Thorough-Bred Neat Stock」

...hooveri McGregor...   hooveri McGregorの読み方
Harrison B Tordoff 「Check-list of the Birds of Kansas」

..." There was one man for whom I had agreat admiration—a clergyman in civil life but a stretcher-bearer onthe Peninsula—Private Greig McGregor...    There was one man for whom I had agreat admiration—a clergyman in civil life but a stretcher-bearer onthe Peninsula—Private Greig McGregorの読み方
Joseph Lievesley Beeston 「Five Months at Anzac」



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