

...Part of the Mancos Valley within the Park isprivately owned and is still in agricultural use...   Part of the Mancos Valley within the Park isprivately owned and is still in agricultural useの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...Cattle from landbelonging to the Ute Indians wander into the Park from the Mancos Canyonalong the floor of the canyon above the mouth of Weber Canyon...   Cattle from landbelonging to the Ute Indians wander into the Park from the Mancos Canyonalong the floor of the canyon above the mouth of Weber Canyonの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...pinetis was obtained along the east side of the Mancos River at 6200feet elevation (less than 50 yards outside the Park) and the same wastrue at the same elevation at a place 4½ mi...   pinetis was obtained along the east side of the Mancos River at 6200feet elevation (less than 50 yards outside the Park) and the same wastrue at the same elevation at a place 4½ miの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...S of the Park boundary where the 6000 foot contourline cross the Mancos River is indicative of the occurrence at lowelevations...   S of the Park boundary where the 6000 foot contourline cross the Mancos River is indicative of the occurrence at lowelevationsの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...He noted that somespecimens have dark diffuse dorsal stripes that are wide in specimensfrom the Mancos River Valley...   He noted that somespecimens have dark diffuse dorsal stripes that are wide in specimensfrom the Mancos River Valleyの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...The nine specimens listed byYoungman (1958:372) as from "Mesa Verde National Park," Mancos River,6200 ft...   The nine specimens listed byYoungman (1958:372) as from Mesa Verde National Park, Mancos River,6200 ftの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...On the Mancos River, 6200 ft...   On the Mancos River, 6200 ftの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...[by road] SW Mancos,149094 and 149096 USNM; Oak Tree Ruin, 6700 ft...   [by road] SW Mancos,149094 and 149096 USNM; Oak Tree Ruin, 6700 ftの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...(labels on some specimens read "West Bank Mancos River,Northeast side Mesa Verde National Park"), 69361–69376,76185–76204; Sect...   (labels on some specimens read West Bank Mancos River,Northeast side Mesa Verde National Park), 69361–69376,76185–76204; Sectの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

..., 69386–69402; FarView Point, 76530–76531, 79221 and 90 uncatalogued specimens inpreservative; Mancos River, 6200 ft...   , 69386–69402; FarView Point, 76530–76531, 79221 and 90 uncatalogued specimens inpreservative; Mancos River, 6200 ftの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...Watson (in letter of January 16, 1957) reported that he has seenmuskrat tracks many times along the Mancos River...   Watson (in letter of January 16, 1957) reported that he has seenmuskrat tracks many times along the Mancos Riverの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...Reports of dens seen along the Mancos River areavailable for 1944, 1945, 1946, and 1947...   Reports of dens seen along the Mancos River areavailable for 1944, 1945, 1946, and 1947の読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

..., 76245–76259, 76261–76263; west bank Mancos River, northeastside Mesa Verde National Park, 76260...   , 76245–76259, 76261–76263; west bank Mancos River, northeastside Mesa Verde National Park, 76260の読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...—Total, 7: North end Mesa Verde NationalPark, 7000 ft, 76290; west bank Mancos River northeast side MesaVerde National Park, 76291–76296...   —Total, 7: North end Mesa Verde NationalPark, 7000 ft, 76290; west bank Mancos River northeast side MesaVerde National Park, 76291–76296の読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...—Total, 3: 69472, skull only of a youngindividual, found dead at the top of the bank of the Mancos River,1½ mi...   —Total, 3: 69472, skull only of a youngindividual, found dead at the top of the bank of the Mancos River,1½ miの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...This locality is outside of the Park and not on the Mesa, but ismentioned because it indicates that the raccoon probably occurs alongthe Mancos River, which forms the eastern boundary of the Park...   This locality is outside of the Park and not on the Mesa, but ismentioned because it indicates that the raccoon probably occurs alongthe Mancos River, which forms the eastern boundary of the Parkの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

..." Tracks have been reported along theMancos River in several years...    Tracks have been reported along theMancos River in several yearsの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...Possibly beaver have increased along the Mancos River...   Possibly beaver have increased along the Mancos Riverの読み方
Sydney Anderson 「Mammals of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado」

...My hurried examinationconfirmed my surmises, for we here found dwellings of this kind,so similar to the type best illustrated in Mancos canyon of southernColorado...   My hurried examinationconfirmed my surmises, for we here found dwellings of this kind,so similar to the type best illustrated in Mancos canyon of southernColoradoの読み方
Jesse Walter Fewkes 「Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895」



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